
Joy Leitner
  • Female
  • Sarasota, FL
  • United States
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  • Jack Alexander
  • Genevieve Tomlinson
  • Susie Anderson
  • Richard J. Hinger

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My Hometown
Louisville KY
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Sales and Marketing
High School?
Of Course--that was a good time!
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Do you have kids?
Favorite place to get your hair and nails done?
Be Well Salon for Nails.

Getting it out there...

In today's economy it is ever so important to keep moving forward with your business. Many people are becoming scared stiff, and just remain still in the hopes they won't lose any more. I've always been a fan of the expression move it or lose it! We've got to keep moving to keep this economy going. My specialty is putting the pieces of the wheel together so it rolls. I spend my time trying to link up my friends at WQ, Moxie, and other business networks with solutions that can help their business grow. Other than marketing assistance, I offer retirement planning and safe investment solutions. My interests have always been fitness, health and weight loss, so don't be surprised if you find me very passionate about marketing some things in those fields. Coming soon to a computer near you.... Cardzooey.com! A new way to market your business in a new network and search for goods and services in the community. This will be a great opportunity for all my networking friends so stay tuned. Also look for upcoming events for my non-profit organization the National Single Women's Resource Center... And remember... keep woving! Need help? Call me!

Joy Leitner's Blog


Posted on June 24, 2009 at 4:35pm 0 Comments

I don't know about you, but as this economy stresses me out I tend to eat more. What if you could lose weight and help supplement your income?

A rare opportunity to meet Ray Grimm, the owner of the company marketing CORE 4 will be here at the Hilton Garden Inn by the Airport on 41 at 7:30pm so come and bring anyone that wants to lose a few pounds or a lot of pounds and/or gain $$$$.

What is Core 4? It is a revolutionary new weight loss system developed by… Continue

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At 12:21pm on October 9, 2009, Joy Leitner said…
Yes I have heard of it. I have several friends who are doing it. I am really wary of those kind of mlms. These days I am looking for a company product with little $ layout and that has a product that will have a sustainable market where there will be more product consumers than business builders and no sales minimums that you have to keep each month in order to get paid. This one I only see people joining who want to make money. Does it have a consumer based product that is attractive to average consumers and can be purchased without joining the business? The last person I talked to couldn't tell me that. I'm excited about GV. As soon as the product rolls out I plan on using it in my new business. Marketing for Chance and CardZooey is straight commission advertising sales with residual income. not an MLM. I was wondering that maybe you would be interested in doing a little sales for me while working on you r other projects? Let me know
At 10:42am on October 9, 2009, Debbie Amon said…
Hi Joy, yes we were in GV before you saw us at that meeting. Just stoped by to see how he was doing his presentations. Have some great products coming.
While waiting for GV to get it's act together we joined TVI. You must have heard of it. It's fast cash. No monthly. I think I know 20 people in it now, it's the fastest way to make 10k I have ever seen. 3 calls everyday. Here is a presentation
The Floodgates are open - hit while the fire is hot. It only takes 2 - no more.
At 6:00pm on July 2, 2009, Esther Bird said…
I'd be happy to 'pow wow' with you sometimes to discuss opportunities to work together. I'm not sure what you have in mind, but am open to opportunities. What might work for you?
At 10:16pm on July 1, 2009, Diane Lane said…
Hi there, Joy!
Thank you for responding to my blog. I've gone "Buzzirk" also! Isn't it great!!?? I cannot wait to pay only $80 for UNLIMITED EVERYTHING!!

Do you know Amy Grewal? She's a friend of mine who is doing the Core 4 program...Dennis DiNoia also! If you know them...you are with terrific people! Good luck with that business also!

By the way...
I give an amazing massage ~ complete and total relaxation, along with stretching, deep tissue work in areas that need it, and a salt scrub on your back to complete your treatment. I would enjoy working on you!

Happy day!
Diane Lane, LMT
At 10:53am on June 26, 2009, Susie Anderson said…
Joy, Nice to see you here!
At 1:11pm on June 25, 2009, Bonita said…
I am glad you enjoy my blogs. Now that I have found a healthy way to live and it is actually working I want to share it with others. Thank you for reading and for your encouragement.
At 10:43am on June 25, 2009, Debbie Amon said…
oops, I posted 2 times because I did not see that you had it set for approval first. I could not remember how long I lived here, since 1978? long time anyway.
At 10:40am on June 25, 2009, Debbie Amon said…
Hi Joy,
I still can't believe you live in Sarasota, even though you have been here for years now.
I believe this is a great place to live, after living here for 31 years - wow.

I wish you the best, and you look fantastic.
At 9:36am on June 25, 2009, Debbie Amon said…
Hi Joy, I still can't believe you are living in Sarasota. And I know you have been here for years now.

I sure believe Sarasota is great, after living here for 32 years. You look great, best to you in all you do.
At 9:18am on June 25, 2009, Lise-Anne Charbonneau said…
Hi Joy!Good luck with your event. I wish all of your guests the slim waistlines the desire!

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