
Parasites (infections, viruses, warms, mold, yeast and unfriendly bacteria) are everywhere around us. We get them from other people, family, pets, food (such as sushi, undercooked meat and fish, unclean fruits and vegetables) and air. We feed them with sweats (refined sugars, cakes, candies, ext.), refined flower products (white bread, pasta, pizza, white rice, potatoes, etc) and make perfect conditions for them to multiply. It is especially easy to pick up parasites while traveling. Germs and parasites can be easily picked up from planes and airports, because of lack of fresh air. Then, most people when traveling eat out, eat bad quality foods, overeat, drink alcohol, overheat in the sun and do many other activities, which weaken the immune system. When our immune system weakens- parasites thrive.
What Are Parasites?

Parasites are multi-cellular organisms that usually live inside of humans, animals, etc., and make their living off of their host by feeding on food in the stomach and/or intestines, or by feeding on the organs and tissues of your body. These little invaders can range in size from microscopic amebas to worms several feet long, and you would not even feel them as they grow and reproduce.

Today, more than 100 types of parasites are known to be able to live in the human body. The best living conditions for parasites are in those parts of the body where there are low levels of oxygen, where organs and tissues are polluted by toxins from processed (unnatural) foods, and where they have plenty of "food." The classic example of these conditions is a toxic colon coated with old food.

Parasites feed on the foods that we like the most: sweets, carbohydrates, meat, etc. These bad foods do not provide enough nutrients in the first place, often have a bad effect on oxygen levels in the body, and provide myriad chemical toxins. So the bad foods we eat serve the parasite better than ourselves. The most dangerous parasites nest in the small intestine, because that’s where all the nutrients are. They do not just enjoy junk, they also need good nutrition to grow and get stronger. So whatever nutrients you do put in your body, they get them first, and you only get their leftovers.

To make matters worse, parasites not only consume what nutrients we do get in food, but they also excrete waste just like any other organism. Having fed on the artificial foods we eat, and having foreign bacteria, in their systems, their wastes are toxic. And since these nasty trespassers can have a life span in a human body of up to 30 years, they have plenty of time to do their harm.
Where Parasites Infest Humans

Parasites can be found anywhere in the body: in the blood, muscles, heart, lungs, brain, and other vital organs. One third of all parasites live in the digestive system while the other two thirds make their homes in organs necessary to our good health. And they can travel throughout the body as need be.
Some people make a mistake thinking that if they eat all natural organic foods, they do not have to worry about parasites, illnesses and it is not so important to clean the food well. However, all organic produce is easily infected with worms, bacteria and molds. This happens on the trees, under the bright sun, wind, rain and special storage conditions. So imagine what happens to the dirty produce, which is covered with soil, manure full of parasites and their eggs, waste from the mice, rats and other animals running on the fields; plus the dirt from the trucks and peoples hands that handle the produce. Then, it gets into the digestive system a dark and warm place, which creates a perfect environment for parasites to thrive and multiply. Of course, eating organic is much better and healthier then consuming chemicals, but it is also very important to wash everything very well.

What Diseases Can Parasites Cause?

Parasitic infection can cause a variety of serious diseases: ulcerative colitis, arthritis, Crohn's disease and others. Some medical researchers have claimed that parasitic infection can even cause cancer and AIDS.
Common Symptoms of Parasites.
Sinus infections, frequent colds, fatigue, indigestions, bloating, gas, anal itching, allergies, yeast infections, itching in the body, nausea, constant hunger, irritability, aggression, mood swings, sugar cravings, etc.
How Can You Get Rid of Parasites?

The best way to get rid of parasites is to create an unfavorable environment for them. Fortunately for us, the conditions that they dislike are healthy for us. Specifically, cleansing small intestine, whole digestive system and liver off the dangerous toxins we all accumulate in today's modern, chemical world will create conditions in us that either kill the parasites, or drive them out through our waste. It will also kill and wash away the eggs that they all lay.

Because parasites can be found in practically any part of the body, the only way to completely eliminate them is to cleanse the entire body. For example, if only specific organs are cleansed of parasites, they may well migrate to other organs or parts of the body in order to survive. And they want to survive. It is also important to not only kill them with herbs, but to flush them out so that their decomposing bodies will not further poison your health.

Protecting From Future Parasites

Once you have eliminated them from your system, it is necessary to prevent their reoccurrence. To protect yourself from them in the future you should do the following:
· Wash foods thoroughly to rinse away parasites and their eggs. There are specific methods that are particularly helpful. You can use special Vegi wash or simply use hydrogen peroxide or apple cider vinegar. If possible, after washing in regular water, rinse with good water.
· Store foods carefully to prevent contamination. Insects that infest foods can bring parasites with them.
· Be careful with animals. Body fluids from animals should be washed away promptly.
· Be faithful and thorough with your own personal hygiene. This is particularly true of fingers that too often unconsciously contact sensitive areas such as the eyes and mouth.
· Do not drink unsafe water. Chlorination in water does not stop some microscopic life forms.
· Eat foods that have natural antibiotic qualities, such as garlic, onions, cranberries, ginger and many more. Always take some “natural antibiotic” herbs for prevention especially when traveling.
· When possible, avoid antibiotics, which kill "good flora" in the body. Remember, that antibiotics are also in many non-organic meat products.
· Exercise regularly to increase oxygen circulation in the body. Special breathing exercises are also very effective.

There is no way to completely escape them, but there is a way to not let them grow! By getting rid of parasites and toxicity, we rid ourselves off digestive problems, improve immune system and stay resistant to illnesses.

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Comment by Elena A. Rybak on August 26, 2009 at 12:07pm
Thank you Michelle for such a great opportunity. i loved absolutely everything you were saying. And guess what, I did start working on "homework" last night. I will see you next week.
Comment by Michelle Teyke on August 26, 2009 at 9:26am
Great article Elena! What fantastic information for us all! It was great seeing you yesterday at my workshop! Have a great day!
Comment by Elena A. Rybak on August 25, 2009 at 9:41pm
Thank you so much Kim. You are right, I don't know what to do with it. I didn't even think it uploaded.
Comment by admin on August 25, 2009 at 9:39pm
Hi Elena,
Great information. I noticed you uploaded a video. I did not know if you knew how to embed it in your article so I am going to embed it here for you.

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