
It is becoming more and more difficult to keep our bodies well nourished and balanced in today’s world. It seems like there is an attack from every direction: food, water, air, medications, stress, poor soil, bad habits, etc. Most of us are trying very hard to stay as healthy as possible, but still end up having some issues.
Many women, and men, now days suffer from hormonal imbalance. This month let’s talk about women. I am sure that words “hormonal replacement” sounds very familiar to many. If you are not on it, then you probably know someone who is. It has become very popular, but have you ever asked yourself why?
Why do so many people suffer from hormonal imbalance? What causes it? What is the root of the problem and can it be actually fixed instead of covering up the symptoms, feeding the actual problem by providing the body with something artificial (even if it is “natural”)?

Let’s find out more about Estrogen. We know it as a female hormone. But there is more to it. We actually live in the world of estrogen. The food supply is laden with traces of herbicides, pesticides and petrochemical residues from plastics, all of which have estrogen-like, endocrine disrupting effects in animals and humans. These foreign biological substances, have been linked to abnormalities and cancers of human tissues that are hormone sensitive, including fibrocystic breast disease, breast cancer, cervical cancer and dysplasia, endometrial cancer, endometriosis and ovarian disease as well as infertility and obesity. Estrogen is linked to symptoms of allergies and asthma. Even Alcoholism is associated with abnormally high levels of estrogen.

Currently many women in the US are using topical progesterone creams, often called wild yam cream, or others such as Progonol, Progest and the like. These creams are mainly used instead of estrogen to reduce hot flashes and work most of the time. However, working with laboratories using saliva testing, researchers have found levels of progesterone in excess of many thousands of units above normal. The idea that this is “natural” and that there are no side-effects from use of these creams is incorrect. Too much of anything is not good! Some of the symptoms of progesterone overdose include headache, weight gain, fatigue, water retention and depression. One clinician described the symptoms of progesterone overdose to be similar to those of pregnancy.
How can we protect ourselves from these influences?
Eating a whole food diet of organic or biodynamic foods, free of pesticides, is an important first step. Healthy water is the next. Municipal water supplies may be sources of many chemicals and water in plastic bottles can contain residues of polycarbonate plastics, which are endocrine disrupters. Stay away from processed foods as much as possible. By following proper diet, food combining and other basic guidelines, many symptoms of hormonal imbalance (including hot flashes, PMS, irritability, water retention, etc.) can be easily controlled. With professional help you can find your individualized diet, which will help you be in control of your hormones, your body and your life.
Is eating good food and drinking good water enough to balance the system?
It is enough to support the balance, but more work needs to be done to undo the damage and remove the buildup of toxic substances from the system. Liver is the “boss” of our endocrine system and hormone production. It is also the major filter in our system, which is constantly working hard to protect us from everything that shouldn’t be in our bodies including molds, parasites, toxic bile, mucus, yeast, medications, toxic fumes, radiation and whatever else we have been exposed to. When liver becomes overwhelmed with all these toxins it is not able to do it’s job anymore and doesn’t just stop protecting us, but also stops sending the right signals to all other glands and organs. This process puts a lot of stress on the kidneys, adrenals and thyroid, immediately causing every hormone imbalance possible. So health of the liver is essential for the overall health. The good news is that liver ca be easily cleansed and if done properly under professional supervision, it will be easy on the body, not dangerous and very effective. As soon as the liver gets the necessary relief it will be able to regenerate itself and immediately relieve stress from kidneys and all glands. Extra estrogen will also be removed by the cleansing process, and liver will easily normalize and balance the hormonal production.
So just like everything else in life- finding balance has to be a complex approach. We all want an easy way out and don’t always think of the actual cause of the problem and how to avoid it. However, many of us have recognized that covering up the symptoms is not always very effective, and getting to the roots is necessary to solve the problem once and for all. Somehow we tend to get so busy with our lives, that forget to think about something essential, something without which nothing else really matters. And that “something” is of course our HEALTH. Health is the biggest investment we’ll ever make in our lives. Please remember that and don’t hesitate to stay well and Live Healthy.

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Comment by Elena A. Rybak on August 27, 2009 at 9:40am
I have lot's of suggestions. This is what I do. I have center in Sarasota where I do all cleansing procedures. If you'd like, go on my website at www.LivingHealthyInstitute.com to read more details about the cleansing process. Feel free to call me if you have any questions.
Comment by Charmaine Tincher on August 27, 2009 at 9:28am

I appreciate your article very much. Crazy as it sounds,your Liver is just like your air conditioner filters in your home? The air is circulated up through the filter, then passed back through the vents hopefully cleaner with out any bad particles for you to breath. Plus you feel the airflow. This filter collects everything in the air and becomes coated with debris so the air passing through becomes limited and less and less filtered and clean. I know, I just cleaned mine? LOL But before I did, I noticed the air flow was slight and not so cool. After I cleaned it, the air flow increased and the house was cooler sitting at the same temperature it was feeling not so cool with a clogged filter. OUr body does collect toxins as well. I was very ill about 10 years ago from toxins in my body. Those toxins were caused by Perscription Drugs which took me to the hospital for 4 days and a heart Cath to find nothing more than medication buildup and the heart was overwelmed. Yes it is so very important to eat right and drink healthy and cleanse your body so every organ is working for you. Heres to a healthy life. Thank you again for the Inspiration and constant reminder we all need! Do you have any suggestions for a good liver cleanse?

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