
There are few things in your life more intimidating than a job interview. It’s natural to be nervous because so much is at stake. Here are a few do’s and don’t’s that may be helpful.

1. Be as prepared as you can be. Anticipate difficult questions that may be asked and practice answering them. This is a good technique to help you prepare, and the more prepared you are the less you have to stress about.

2. Be 100% professional in every way from the minute you walk in the door to when you walk out. Everything you say and do is being judged and evaluated.

3. Be sure your appearance is appropriate and that you are either on time or early (no excuses)

4. Try to relax, use good eye contact, smile and offer a firm handshake.

5. Never lie - is’t ok to tell the ‘advantageous part of the truth’, but telling an untruth is not going to work to your benefit.

6. Be confident, ask appropriate questions of the interviewer, and, if you want the job, tell them you do and why. (Example: this job interests me because…. or, My skills and your needs are a good match. I believe hiring me would be a wise choice. I would be a valuable asset to your organization.)

7. Go to the interview with some knowledge of the company. Doing this shows that you cared enough to learn about the company.

8. Follow up with a thank you letter within 24 hours.

1. Complain about your current or previous employer of manager.

2. Ask about salary during the interview.

3. When asked if you have questions about the position, NEVER SAY NO! Always come prepared to ask at least two questions of the interviewer.

4. If asked about one of your weaknesses, answer honestly, and then follow with a statement about how you are striving to overcome this. (Example: I’m a little weak at doing oral presentations, however I have joined a Toastmasters group to help me develop this skill.)

I hope these suggestions are beneficial and thought provoking. What do you think? Do you have any suggestons to add? Do you agree with my suggestions? www.brightfuture4u2.com

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