
We all know the benefits of the OsoLeanTM powder: besides having 2 specific mechanisms to target fat cell metabolism, it also causes the body to produce a specific hormone, cholecystikinin, to create a feeling of satiation. This is just another reason the product is so powerful because if taken 20 minutes before a standard meal so it shuts down your appetite. Fiber can also reduce our consumption by causing us to feel full sooner and stays in our stomach longer than other substances we eat, slowing down our rate of digestion and keeping us feeling full longer.

Understanding how fiber works is also important so we can restrict food and calorie consumption in adding fiber to our diets. Due to its greater fiber content, a single serving of whole grain bread can be more filling than two servings of white bread. Fiber also moves fat through our digestive system faster so that less of it is absorbed. This “fat sweep” concept is also a great reason to add fiber to the diet to avoid having too high lipids in our system (producing such problems as high cholesterol or high triglycerides leading to heart disease).

Refined grains like white rice and those used to make white bread and sugary breakfast cereals have had most of their fiber and nutrients stripped away. They turn into blood sugar (glucose) so fast that, like sugar itself, they can cause a spike in our insulin level. This tells our body that plenty of energy is readily available and that it should stop burning fat and start storing it.

Eating foods with plenty of fiber will help keep our blood sugar at a more consistent level. Meat and dairy products contain no fiber, and refined grains have had most of their fiber removed. To increase your intake of fiber, eat more whole and natural foods, and fewer processed foods. Some good examples of fiber-rich foods include:

· Legumes (lentils, dry beans and peas)

· Other vegetables

· Fruits

· Brown rice

· Whole grains (wheat, oats, barley)

Adding more fiber to your diet will likely help you lose weight and improve your health, but do it gradually. Rapid increases in consumption of fiber may result in gas or diarrhea.

Be sure to drink plenty of fluids when adding fiber to your diet. While fiber is normally helpful to your digestive system, without adequate fluids it can cause constipation instead of helping to eliminate it.

Plus Wellness

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Comment by Diane Lane on September 24, 2009 at 9:10pm
I've been away from this site for awhile...how are you doing with your weight loss goals? Diane
Comment by Valarie Wadsworth on September 24, 2009 at 2:48pm
what us osolean tm powder




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