
Seared Sea Scallops With Crispy Pancetta and Truffle Emulsion

The reviews of this dish prepared in the Intermediate Techniques class at Apron's Cooking School were rave. The Truffle emulsion is what made this dish exotic and phenomenal.

18 sea scallops, 10/20 counts
1 Tbl. Olive oil
3 cups Butter lettuce, cleaned and chiffonade
1 cup rendered pancetta*

Pick all of the abductor mussels off of the scallops and rinse well in cold water. Season all sides of scallops with kosher salt and black pepper. Sear the scallops flat side down, in a large sauté pan, until golden brown and medium-rare. Take out of pan and set aside. Serve over bibb lettuce and top with pancetta and Truffle emulsion.

*Small dice 1 cup of pancetta. In a medium sized sauce pan render the pancetta until slightly crispy. Drain all fat off and set pancetta aside.

For Emulsion:
½ lemon, juiced
½ shallot, minced and sautéed
1 tsp. fresh tarragon
2 egg yolks
2 tsp. Dijon mustard
½ tsp. Crystal hot sauce
½ tsp. Worcestershire sauce
½ cup canola oil
1 ½ Tbl. Truffle oil
kosher salt and black pepper

Blend the first 7 ingredients together in a food processor. When well combined, slowly add both of the oil together until it is like a light mayonnaise consistency. Season with kosher salt and black pepper to taste.

Serves 6

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