
I don't know anyone who doesn't love Tiramisu. Now you can make your own at home! When we made this dessert in the Intermediate Techniques class at Publix Apron's Cooking School, we added Kahlua to the syrup which I highly recommend. Find other uses for this syrup, too...like over ice cream!

Serves 8 –10

Espresso syrup:
2 oz. Sugar
2 oz. Water
6 oz. Espresso (coffee)
2 oz. Dark Rum

2 ½ egg yolks
3 oz sugar
3 oz. Marsala
8 oz. Mascarpone (softened)
8 oz. Whipped cream

3 doz. Ladyfingers
8 oz. Whipped cream (sweetened)
1 T cinnamon (powdered)
1 T cocoa powder
1 T powdered sugar

For syrup, combine sugar, water, coffee and rum, cool. For filling, combine yolks, sugar and Marsala. Beat in a stainless steel bowl over a saucepan with 1 inch of boiling water until thickened. Remove yolk mixture and beat in mixer or by hand until cool. Fold in mascarpone and whipped cream. Brush ladyfingers with syrup. Place in alternating layers in a pan with filling and refrigerate overnight. To finish, spread sweetened whipped cream over top. Combine cinnamon, cocoa and sugar and sprinkle over top. Chill and serve. Enjoy!

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Comment by Cindi Montorio on October 3, 2009 at 12:15pm
I am a passionate cook and Tiramisu is my FAVORITE dessert!!! I'm not much of a sweet tooth, and generally dislike chocolate / carmel / butterscotch type desserts and prefer nut or coffee flavors..not so sweet. This recipe looks great and I can't wait to try it. Any recommendations for really good lady fingers?
Comment by Tricia Dickerson on October 2, 2009 at 8:55am
Actually, I don't love it. I might try it sometimes, but I think it is a soggy mess and I don't like the mushy consistency. I don't even like it. I teach cooking classes and I have a recipe for an eggless Tiramisu. I only try it to make sure it was done correctly. I even made Giada DeLaurentiis' Tiramisu and did a cooking show with her in Atlanta when she was on a book tour. There are so many raw eggs in the recipe, it turned me off. So now you know someone who hates Tiramisu! Sorry. Chef Tricia
Comment by Nancy Holmes on October 2, 2009 at 6:13am
Amy: Yum, Tiramisu is my most favorite dessert. Thanks for the recipe.
Comment by Backyard Getaway (Lisa) on October 1, 2009 at 4:05pm
Wow, that looks really good. Can't wait to try the recipe.

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