
Marketing Tip of the week: Tips to Increase Your Market Share!

(Please submit YOUR ideas by replying to this post!)
Ask for referrals. Referrals are incredibly powerful. In fact they are better than ads because potential clients trust their friends much more than they trust an ad.
Partner with another company in a related industry to gain exposure.
Write articles or better yet get an article written about your business.
Use Social Media. For example use facebook to promote events, have a page for your company and to keep people informed without resorting to spam.
Create a Blog. Consider requiring people to sign in to comment. A blog helps in many ways. Link it to your website and it will help your internet presence.
Provide Discounts or Coupons. Everyone likes to save money.
Provide Incentives. You can use incentives with salespeople, non-sales staff, or even clients (as long as there is no conflict of interest.) You can use cash, coupons, gift certificates, thank you letters, movie tickets and many other things to reward others for bringing you business.
Show up to community events and get to know people by showing interest in them and their businesses.
Sponsor an event.
Sponsor a team. It doesn't have to be professional, it can be anything from a children's sports team to a senior citizen's club, almost anything! Members and families will want to thank you and will likely purchase from you.
Work smarter not harder! Get professional help with design of your marketing materials from the text of your public relations letters to the artwork in the ads themselves.
Hire a marketing consultant to help you stay on track.
Form a mastermind group.

What if you have no sales staff?
Hire a contract employee as a salesperson. Be sure to get someone with experience and be absolutely sure they have a clear understanding of your business and practices.
Hire an admin assistant (contract or otherwise) so you can do more selling yourself.

No money for an employee?
Pay someone on a commission basis for bringing you business.

The following items should be considered very carefully depending on the type of business.
Advertise. Advertising works very well for some types of businesses and not so well for others.
Public Speaking Presentations.
Write a Book. Especially if you are a public speaker. This adds major credibility and gives you another source of income.
Produce a training video.
Promotional Products. Be sure to choose carefully. It has to be relevant and appropriate so that your message gets across and it is memorable. Everyone likes pens because they are functional BUT pens might be a waste of money depending on what you are trying to accomplish.

Frank Gomez is a graphic designer offering graphic design services and trade show displays to help small businesses succeed: www.FranksDesigns.com He can be reached at 941-374-7711.

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