
Advertising Age magazine reports that the 2010 census will illustrate that there is no such thing as the "Average American." Our country is becoming more and more diverse. Because of this "Shotgun marketing" will be less and less effective. Your message is less likely to get across to a wide variety of people with a wide variety of backgrounds and values. Targeted marketing will become more important. Think "Tribes", Social Groups and so on. It will be critical for your company to get advocates (paid or otherwise) to gain market share.
Learn more about the 2010 census here: http://adage.com/article?article_id=139592

How to make your advertising more effective...
Hire a professional graphic designer so the precious money that you spend on advertising is well worth it because your ad will be noticed by more people and have more impact.

Need a comprehensive marketing campaign? Hire a professional marketing consultant to help you plan your marketing from wording in your public relations pieces to planning events to gain momentum!

Frank Gomez is a professional graphic designer with Frank's Designs serving small businesses in Sarasota and beyond.
Learn more about Frank's Designs here: www.FranksDesigns.com

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