
Priceless! Mother's special moments!

What we give -
Hannah Montana Concert Tickets for my daughter- $280
Disney Weekend for my daughter- $1600
Golf Lessons for my daughter - $600
What we get in return -
Speech Contest won by my daughter - PRICELESS!

There are some golden moments that we mother's have that make it all worthwhile!
For instance, I love watching my daughters ride off to school on their bikes in the morning.
I love putting them to sleep at night and smelling their clean skin.
When they are rocking on their Wii and singing "Mississippi Queen" at the top of their lungs, it just puts a smile on my face.

Well, this last week my daughter, Vivienne, who was painfully shy as a toddler, got up on stage at her elementary school and won the Tropicana Speech Contest! I couldn't believe that this poised, beautiful young lady who had the audience hanging on her every word was that same shy girl. When did this happen? When did the furry little, silly little catapillar become this beautiful butterfly? When I watched her deliver her speech, all I could think of was, on the day she was born, I wondered who this child would be, what she would be like and if we would be friends. Luckily, we are the best of friends and really enjoy our life together.
When we sit at the dinner table, our family is like a Saturday Night Live sketch at times, crazy, loud, incredibly funny and absurd all at once! These are the moments that get us through all the hard times, when we think we are loosing our minds and wonder why we had children in the first place!!!

My fellow mothers, let's hold on to these special moments and keep them safe so that when we need them, we can pull them out to help us remember why we give so much. We really DO get so much in return, we just need to remind ourselves at times!

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Comment by Esther Bird on May 17, 2009 at 11:34am
It sounds like you have your priorities straight and understand what the truly important things are in life! Good for you. Too many pass through life and never really get it.

One thing I learned years ago and I always remember is: "We need to use things and love people - Never love things or use people." So true. And the most important people are our families.
Comment by WQ|mag Admin on May 7, 2009 at 11:28am
Michelle, you are sooo right! We do need to remind ourselves. Don't you just love to smell their clean skin when you put them to bed. The smell still creates that image in my head years later. Wes

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