
As a Life Coach for mothers I work with a lot of wonderful clients and my ideal clients are mothers who are "ready" to empower themselves and create positive changes in their lives. These women are ready to live their dreams, walk the talk, take responsibility for their actions and lives and achieve the goals they are setting for themselves.
One thing my ideal clients don't do is complain!
They don't complain about their marriage, they work on it and invest in it.
They don't complain about how long the line is at the grocery store but rather wait patiently and breathe deeply to become one in accepting the present moment as it is. They don't complain about their children but rather support them and help them through any difficulties with ease.
Now to be fair ,the gift of not complaining is a hard earned one because complaining is a habit just like binging or biting your nails. My clients have worked hard to kick this habit and to be totally honest, it is something that I work on daily as well.
I learned to complain from my mother, who was a champion at it. She complained from red lights, to the neighbors watering their lawn to the weatherman who predicted rain when it was sunny outside. No matter what it was she would find something wrong with it. This exhausted me as a child, because by nature I am a very positive person and the negativity really brought me down and rained on my parade!
Now as an adult, I realize how detrimental complaining can be to your health, relationships, career and your overall well being. Through life coaching my clients have discovered a way to make different choices in how they react to situations as well as becoming more peaceful in all types of situations.
I call on all you mothers out there to stop the complaining! If you don't like something speak up or walk away, whatever it is that makes you happy, but don't just whine about it all the time! Life is so so short, do you want to be happy or right?

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Comment by Esther Bird on May 23, 2009 at 10:51pm
WOW, well said. I also am impatient with people who complain and then don't take action to make their lives better. I am also a life coach, my focus is helping women who are struggling with life's challenges. I am also a career coach. I have entered a few blogs on this site to, I hope you will check them out and see if you agree with the points I have made.

Excellent blog - I hope to see more from you in the future. Please check out my workshops promoted on this site under 'events' and also on my website at www.brightfuture4u2.com.

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