
Feeling the love within us can be quite a task at times.
We Moms get so caught up in getting our daily chores and duties done that we have no time for feeling the love that is within us.
I often remind myself as I am vacuuming and dusting and sorting out clothes all at the same time that I actually am loved and live a great life.
As I am running through the grocery store at full speed ahead, so that I am not late picking the kids up from school because it is pouring outside, I remind myself that I love my life, my children, my husband and even the so sorely needed rain!
When I am trying to get some work done in my office and every 3 seconds one of my kids or my husband come in because it is an emergency, I breathe and try to connect with that good old love within.
What I am trying to say is, take a few seconds every now and then to feel that love that is always there no matter what you are doing and no matter how much you don't like what you are doing at the moment!!!
As mothers, we give so much love all day long, but very often we forget to feel the love ourselves, leaving us empty and dissatisfied at times.
Go ahead,I dare you to feel the love within yourself as much as you can and see if it brightens up your horizon just a little bit at least! Feel the love!
If you need asisstance in feeling that love within send me an email at michelle@momempowerment.com and I'll get back to you with some tips to help!!

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