
Black Spruce: When Situations Become Overwhelming

During these intensely changing times, we find many people faced with challenges and crisis much beyond their expectations on a personal and/or business level. Often these situations can seem so overwhelming, it may be difficult to function, leaving one feeling disempowered, out of control, and often burdened with grief.
When crisis shuts someone down, I might reach for a powerful yet underutilized essential oil: Black Spruce (Picea mariana), distilled from the branches of the native, North American tree. Traditional uses of this tree, where the pitch or fibers were used as binding or sealing agents in the construction of dwellings, canoes, weapons and tools. Similarly, black spruce has a binding effect on emotions, which have become scattered and uncontrolled due to crisis. When an individual can begin to gather up and sort their emotions, they are able to view the crisis from a clearer vantage point.
The Black Spruce tree can survive in cold, nutrient poor sites and in poorly drained areas such as bogs and swamps. It is known for it/s blue green foliage color and 4 sided leaves, growing 20 feet tall, often with a “crow’s nest” formation at the top ( a clearer vantage point!).
Spruce resonates strongly with the Survivor archetype. Survivors can often fall into Victim archetype when under duress, and victims are disempowered people. This oil boosts self esteem and self confidence while banishing feelings of helplessness. Black spruce can impart both spiritual and emotional fortitude, allowing the victim to take back their power. It is particularly effective when combined with Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica), whose Arabic name, kedron, is associated with unassailable spiritual strength.
Those who are in crisis are often physically exhausted, and spruce is useful for asthenia, lack of energy and nervous tension. It protects the lungs (the organs of grief in traditional Asian medicine), guarding against colds and flu that can suddenly overpower someone who is tired and distraught.
The energetic qualities of black spruce reach out to individuals who are mired in despair, suffering and guilt. Regular use of the oil encourages formation of healthy boundaries, allowing a person to operate from a place of strength while having to negotiate with those who normally disempower them.
Lastly, spruce is associated with the need for forgiveness and acceptance of the part one has played in the crisis situation. Once an individual has recognized the need for self forgiveness, they can proceed to heal their grief by introducing essential oils such as rose otto, bergamot, benzoin and vetivert.
Using black spruce as the primary note in an aromatherapy blend for ovewhelming situations provides a gentle and subtle form of healing. It combines beautifully with flower essence remedies such as Five Flower (Rescue Remedy), star of bethlehem, elm and centaury. The clarity, grounding, energy and confidence provided by this oil are restorative and empowering to anyone in crisis.

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