

What the eyes do not see the heart does not desire. The subconscious mind is a powerful tool; when under the right control it can be trained to accomplish many goals. If you feed your mind certain commands you can accomplish many things, even great success. Let’s use weight loss as the focus of this instructional:

Things You'll Need:
• A vision
• A written order
• A physical picture
• Patience

1. Step 1
Write a command or order yourself to lose the amount of weight that you desire to lose. Do this on post-its. Because the pen is mightier than the sword and your body must obey. Place the command in a visible area of your room, bathroom or work area. Read this command often throughout the day as a constant reminder of the command that your physical body is under.
2. Step 2
Post a picture of the weight you would like to be, on a mirror or somewhere that is in plain view, an old picture of yourself works best but any picture that bears a resemblance to you will do. Look at yourself in the mirror and pose in positions that are slimming. This will increase your confidence and teach you to love yourself just the way you are.
3. Step 3
Start wearing clothes that make you appear slimmer and wear clothes that accent your best features. Changing your appearance will assist your visual weight loss greatly. Most times, as we gain weight we are inclined to gravitate toward loose fitting clothes and this is a big mistake. Tighter fitting clothes remind us to watch our weight. They are the first indicators of weight gain, when you get that tight feeling, then you are apt to push away that cheesecake.
4. Step 4
It's about Change
Now change your eating habits; this is the time to start anew, eating as healthy as your current financial statues will allow you too. Daydream about eating better foods and changing your eating habits. Learn to prepare healthier meals that taste good. This is a good time to invest in a new recipe book.
5. Step 5
Add more exercise to you daily activities. Find reasons to bend, and stoop. Choose to walk instead of drive when it is appropriate. Increase the speed that you walk from time to time. The key is to focus on your problem areas. Start a hobby; this takes your mind off of food. Five or ten minutes of dancing when you are in a good mood will really get your heart rate up.

6. Step 6
Reward yourself with a new piece of clothing every time you notice that you have made progress. This works much better than a food treat, but you can still have a satisfying binge every once in a while, just don’t overdo it. I have found that using an old pair of jeans or dress that no longer fits is the best thing for measuring your progress. Just use clothing that is at least one to two sizes down. You can buy something too small and it will serve the same purpose.
7. Step 7
The mind is a powerful tool
Visualizing your weight loss and just how you will reach your goal is the key, include this affirmation: “I am not as big as I think,” this silent prayer really works. Daydreaming is a powerful visualization tool that has the power to bring miracles

For more help with weight loss, fitness or personal training contact me at 941-993-9007 or shapeupchick@mac.com

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