Your website is just one part of your marketing. It can be a strong one if you do some extra work in driving traffic to it.
One of the best ways to drive traffic to your website is by blogging. It isn't always necessary to have your own blog but if you can pull it off great! Why drive traffic to you website? To improve your search engine performance, If no one is going to your website your search engine performance will suffer.
Blogs disguised as social networks:
Your Facebook business page is a special type of blog
Your Linked in "updates"
Twitter (microblog)
Other methods, hand out a coupon or have a note on a postcard or the back of your business card... like...
"visit our website for special discounts" (Be sure you have something to offer them on your website).
Provide articles on other websites that link to your website.
On the phone encourage people to go to your website for the latest discount.
Public speaking. This is huge. If you offer a talk about something you are an expert in and you make it both attractive and easy for your audience to go to your website, click around and find what they want you will make a huge difference.
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Have an awesome week!
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