
Taglines matter. You can get by without one (especially if your brand name is super clear like WQ Magazine advertiser "Handbag Heaven"). BUT if you are business name isn't that memorable or doesn't have a powerful inherent meaning a great tagline is a must. As a graphic and web designer I often work with new businesses who struggle with coming up with a great tagline. I know I struggled with coming up with mine: "Empowered Marketing" You can learn about why I chose this here on my About Us page.

So... why are taglines so important?

1) It makes your brand more memorable
2) It solidifies you brands' values within the brand
3) It influences your clients buying decisions

What makes a great tagline?

1) Catchy
2) Memorable
3) Short
4) Conveys something that the clients will remember

How to come up with one

1) Brainstorm with friends, words that express your company's values
2) Come up with phrases using those words (not all of them just 1 or 2)

Have an awesome week!

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Comment by Frank Gomez on February 15, 2010 at 9:52am
Thank you for the positive feedback :)
Comment by Backyard Getaway (Lisa) on February 15, 2010 at 9:26am
Your tips are alway so helpful. Our tag line is a bit longer but is definately needed. Our company name "Backyard Getaway" can mean so many things & the tag line clears it up so well. "Your complete pond source & more..."
Getting input from friends, family & customers is so important. We brainstormed with friends & family for the company name & tag line & now when trying out new ideas we include a few of our good customers too. After all they are the ones who we want to attract. Thanks for the tips.
Comment by Jo-Ann Hillman on February 15, 2010 at 7:05am
Thanks, Frank -- all good suggestions!



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