
Marketing Tip: 10 ways to keep them coming back for more

Many small businesses (mine included) have trouble getting recurring income. For example if you sell a product that lasts a long time (durable good) then it is challenging to get your past customers to come back because they have what they need and probably won't come back until they need to replace that product or WORSE, they buy a new one somewhere else.

You can almost buy anything anywhere so...

1) Diversify your product mix to include both durable and consumable goods.
(If you provide a service, thing of services you can offer for recurring business)
2) Encourage people to buy locally! Buying locally is good for everyone.
3) Offer specials and discounts for return customers
4) Offer a guarantee, so if something goes wrong you get a chance to make things right instead of losing a customer who then complains about you to their friends.
5) Refer business to your clients, that keeps them wanting to return the favor
6) Offer a reward to clients who refer you to other clients
7) Keep in touch (send thank you notes, announcements etc. Use a mailing list (print or electronic)
8) Memorize names and call people by name. People love hearing their name so you can instantly make someone feel good about visiting you or your business.
9) Smile when you talk on the phone.
10) Smile when you see anyone and teach your staff to smile too!

Frank Gomez offers Graphic Design and Trade Show Displays in Sarasota

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Comment by Doris Brewer on July 8, 2010 at 9:57am
Excellent suggestions.



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