
In every situation it is always good to admit your mistakes fast AND the Fix the problem fast (at no charge).
Recent Examples including the Toyota Recall(s) and the iPhone 4 reception / antenna problem show how a mistake can make you look bad but it is much worse if you don't do something about it.
Tell people, Admit it, Offer a free fix FAST!!!

A well handled mistake can acutallly turn into good PR.

I like Consumer Reports very much but they also made themselves look bad by lowering their standards of professionalism by suggesting the duct tape solution (a slap in the face of arrogant Apple).

Even if Apple actually deserves some of it.
Some of Apple's business practices are offensive such as:
installing quicktime shortcuts on your computer even if you don't want them,
BonJour software you can't uninstall and
forcing you to use iTunes with iPods and more...

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