
Marketing Tip: Be Creative / Think outside of the box

Q: What is the best way to market your company?
A: Anything that works efficiently (as long as it is legal and ethical)

This example is pretty inoffensive and unintrusive compared to waiting through a "commercial" to listen to music online or having to watch ads on cable TV. (Remember when Cable TV didn't have Ads?)

Creative Labs recently gave us an awesome example. Free Food on Horizon Air! Free? Really?
Yes F-R-E-E and YES! There is a catch, actually several catches and a few painless attempts at getting you to take action.

The catch is that:
  • the flight attendant will announce that the food is sponsored by Creative Labs
  • The food box is covered in Ads
  • and finally some special offers will be made to give you discounts,prizes and so on, if you take action.
I find this really inspiring because everyone who travels knows that a free snack on the plane is pretty nice instead of paying $5 - $10 dollars for something that should cost $1 - $3.50 just because you are hungry.
The other reason this is an interesting marketing decision is that Creative Labs already knows the demographics of the travelers on any specific flight so it is better than "the shotgun method" of trying to get your message to everybody.

Have a great week!

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