
Many people are realizing that tightening everything up in 2009 didn't help. It is time to make a change. If you aren't working on your business then your business will stop working for you.

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. "
-Benjamin Franklin

So, what can you do differently?
1) Learn from others, call a similar business in a different market (another city? state?) and find out what is working for them.
2) Find a new strategic partner. (remember you can't be everyone's partner, you need to be loyal to them too).
3) Change your habits, try a new networking group, go to something you normally wouldn't because you'll meet someone you've never met before.
4) Re-assess your target market, niche or definition of an ideal client. Has it changed since last year? Did you learn something new from your experiences?
5) Remember to fill the pipeline: Work on your business first thing every morning so that you don't get caught without a backlog a month from now. This can be a thank you note, a phone call, inviting a past client to lunch.
6) Smile more.

Have an awesome week!

Frank Gomez is a Graphic Designer with Frank's Designs in Sarasota, FL

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