recently saw an article called "
Strong New Vehicles behind Ford Success". The truth is more like... Ford's quality improvements, perseverance, and [years of] social networking is behind Ford's Success. Ford has been working very hard for many years improving its vehicles and pushing that information out there so we know about it. Ford has taken social media by the horns and used it to its advantage.
It is mostly perception that Ford's new vehicles are responsible but a car does not sell itself. It takes a concerted long term effort to make big changes over a long period. If you are working on a marketing campaign it requires time to sink in. Accountants love to see ROI (return on investment) but I would argue that it is EXTREMELY hard to measure because what you did 2 years ago could be making a difference today, especially if you kept doing it consistently.
Bottom line is whatever you choose to do, commit to it, and give it a chance to make a difference. You'll be glad you did.
Have an awesome week!
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