Harmony Health Acupuncture and Herbs - "Improving Your Health ...
www.harmonyhealthsrq.comThe new office is almost finished.
After a month of renovations, my practice space at 2345 Bee Ridge Road (site of Yellow Strawberry hair salon) is beginning to look like the finished product. It's roomier and easier to get to than my old office on Robinhood Street. I believe people will find the surroundings more comfortable. Nothing else has changed, including the goal: to expose as many people as possible to the natural healing abilities of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
A special thanks to the patients - new and old - who continued to see me during the transition process. Your support is most appreciated.
In the coming weeks, I'll be offering one or more specials. So please keep your eyes out for them.
Josh Zimmer, AP: 330-5355 and joshzimmer@harmonyhealthsrq.com
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