Harmony Health Acupuncture and Herbs - "Improving Your Health ...
www.harmonyhealthsrq.comTo mark the opening of my new office at 2345 Bee Ridge Road, I'll be offering
TWO half-price Fridays in August. Come in on the 13th and/or 27th for $25 all-inclusive treatments whether you're a new patient or not. Acupuncture treats the
ENTIRE body, so it's not only good for relieving pain but also helping people cope with headaches, stress, insomnia, poor digestion, stop smoking and issues related to poor circulation, such as numbness and neuropathy. I combine many of my treatments with medical massage, herbs and other traditional techniques, including cupping and moxibustion. Reach me at Harmony Health Acupuncture and Herbs - 2345 Bee Ridge Road - 6A - Sarasota - 34239 (many of you will recognize the office park as the home of Yellow Strawberry hair salon).
Tel: 941-330-5355 or E-Mail: Joshzimmer@harmonyhealthsrq.com. Have a great weekend!
Josh Zimmer, AP
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