
The New Year is here and the list of things that you are going to do and accomplish is formidable. I applaud you for thinking big. Yet, one of the most common causes for failure is trying to do it all now!

In goal setting with clients, we create a list of all we want to achieve…to experience…to share in the coming year. Then we take a simple one page overview of the year with only the titles of the months on it and divide the objectives from our yearly “to do list” under the titles. There is a desire to want to place most of the items in January…let’s get them done and get them done NOW! However, most of us have heard the question, “How do you eat an elephant?” and know the answer is “One bite at a time."

This last year has been challenging to most everyone. Whether business has been good or bad, everyone has had to make some changes of some sort. For many the list of changes to incorporate is long. Instead of focusing on how far and how much still needs to be down…talk about an elephant…what one thing could you do today? What one thing would be a good choice today to make the most difference in your life, in your business? And then tomorrow, choose one thing.

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Comment by Sara Hand on January 11, 2010 at 9:25am
You are right Doug. Accountability is key! So often we will cave or give up on our choices to change...it just feels hard or maybe it isn't really that important. Yet when I tell you or someone else, not following through is no longer just about me...it means I might be disappointing or letting you down. My Mom told me a long time ago, "Sometimes it doesn't matter why you make the right choice, it is about making the right choice."
Comment by Doug Ross on January 11, 2010 at 7:57am
In our MasterMind group we set a definite purpose (Hill, Think and Grow Rich) for the year. This practice sets a path we can then help each other sustain. Sharing the purposes is a commitment we often don't make to personal New Years Resolutions.

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