by Whitney Cabrera
I got another desperate call late last night. "I'm SO sick. I've got a terrible headache, all of my joints ache and I'm throwing up about every 30 minutes. What can I do? I want to come to the workout by tomorrow night. " Unfortunately, my answer was, "Go to bed, keep hydrated, eat some hot chicken soup and by all means DON'T come to the workout! It will make you sicker and infect the rest of us!"
The time to avoid contracting the illness is long gone. By the time you actually get the bacteria or virus, it's too late but to let it run it's course. Do you seem to catch every bug that comes around?
You can change that, you know, by purposefully pumping up your immune system.
SO much of your health is controlled directly by you. You control how much rest you get, how much stress you allow yourself to undergo, how much exercise you get and most importantly of all, what kind of nutrients you fuel your body with.Here's a quote from Dr. Joel Fuhrman. "Americans eat a diet style that weakens their normal resistance to simple viral infections. In spite of advances in science that reveal the critical importance of thousands of protective micronutrients in the natural plant kingdom, much of the modern world consumes a diet rich in processed grains, oils, sweets and animal products.
In the United States, for example, less than five percent of total calories consumed come from fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts. These are the foods that are richest in micronutrients.The key to health is nutrition per calorie. Those of us who eat the Standard American Diet (SAD) have a very low nutrient (per calorie) intake. This chronic malnourished condition is the true life-threatening epidemic in the modern world, resulting in a medical care crisis and untold tragedies.
And this ubiquitous malnourishment may also eventually enable the various forms of influenza viruses to spread more easily and develop into virulent forms. With the ubiquitous consumption of fake foods such as white bread, pasta, oil and sugar, nutritional incompetence is the norm.The flu is a simple viral illness which a healthy body has scores of adequate defenses against. No flu, including the swine flu, the bird flu, or whatever kind of flu is going around at the time, is any match for a well-nourished immune system."
Research shows that all Americans, regardless of their eating style need to be taking a whole food multivitamin and anti-oxidant. Don't waste your money on the bargain store brand that is full of fillers and binders and are incapable of giving your cells what they need. Nutraceutical, whole food supplements are essential for you health.
I tell all of my private clients that if they can't FEEL a difference in their body after taking a supplement for 3 months, don't bother taking it. You should FEEL a difference when you forget to take your vitamin. Don't waste your money and THINK you're doing something that you're not.
Research has proven that taking these supplements along with eating a whole foods, nutrient dense diet will bolster and protect your immune system to fend off the most aggressive strain of virus or bacteria that comes your way. Filling your cells with these nutrient rich substances also reverses and prevents all manners of auto-immune diseases, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Take the time to learn how to fuel your body with what it needs to run efficiently and avoid chronic age related and degenerative diseases. Isn't it time to put some action behind your desires? Get healthy, build your immune system, stay well, prevent and reverse disease processes and minor irritation!
Pump it up! Enjoying the journey,
Whitney Cabrera RN, BSN
Whitney Cabrera RN, BSN
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