by Whitney Cabrera
Clearly, we have an obesity problem in America. But, listen carefully: We don't have a weight loss problem. Oxford University published these statistics in the International Journal of Obesity: "Within 3 to 5 years, about 80 percent of all 'losers' have regained the lbs, and often gained back a little extra."
Tom Venuto tells us that "According to research by the National Weight Control Registry, thatrelapse rate may be as high as 95 percent."Relapse rates for drug, alcohol and tobacco dependency have been reported in the range of 50-90%! Let's bring these statistics home: LOTS of people (including you) have lost weight. But 9 out of 10 of you have not kept it off and probably have put more on. We don't have a weight loss problem. We have a weight-relapse problem.
Those New Year's Resolutions died off weeks ago and folks are living daily with the feeling of failure as they continue to take their blood pressure meds, check their blood sugar and draw up insulin, or simply avoid the mirror and settle on the "fat clothes" in their closet after trying on multiple outfits with extreme frustration. (You KNOW what I mean.)
Truth is, we all know what needs to happen to lose weight the healthy way: Eat a lot of fruits and as many non-starchy vegetables as you can.. Cut out the fast and processed foods. Cut down the meat and eat only small amounts of good fats. Drink water. Simple, but not easy.We need to focus more on WHY we fall off the wagon. Tom Venuto, one of my favorite mentors, has come up with the 8 top reasons folks seem to fall off the wagon. Understanding WHY we do what we do is very helpful in leading you to a better solution!
In Strategic Wellness programs, we mentor you through lifestyle change. We do focus on the above simple eating plan, but are able to help you fuse whatever program works for you, into our own broad, nutrient dense eating style. Whatever your chosen approach, stick with it! The very best programs in the world (Of which I thinks ours is tops) won't work it you can't stick with it!
Here are the 8 reasons why you fall off the wagon
1. No focus: you didn't set goals, you didn't put your goals in
writing, and or you didn't keep your goals in mind daily (by reading
them, affirming them, looking at a vision board, etc.)
2. No priorities: you may have set a goal, but you didn't put it
on or near the top of your priorities list. For example, your goal
is six pack abs, but drinking beer and eating fast food on the weekend
is higher on your priorities list than having a flat stomach.
3. No support system: you tried to go at it alone; no buddy system,
training partners, family, spouse, friends, mentors or coaches to
turn to for information and emotional support when the going got tough.
4. No Accountability: you didn't keep score for your own
accountability - with a progress chart, weight record, measurements,
food journal, training journal, and you didn't set up external
accountability (ie, report to someone else or show your results
to someone else)
5. No patience: you were only thinking short term and had unrealistic
expectations. You expected 10 pounds a week or 5 pounds a week or
3 pounds a week, so the first week you lost "only" 1 or 2 pounds
or hit a plateau, you gave up.
6. No planning: you winged it. You walked into the gym without
having a workout in hand, on paper, you didn't plan your workouts
into your weekly schedule; you didn't have a menu on paper, you
didn't make time (so instead you made excuses, like "I'm too busy")
7. No balance: your diet or training program was too extreme. You
went the all or nothing, "I want it now" route instead of the
moderate, slow-and-steady wins the race route.
8. No personalization: your nutrition or training program was the
wrong one for you. It might have worked for someone else, but it
didn't suit your schedule, personality, lifestyle, disposition or
body type.
So there you have it - 8 mistakes that cause most people to fall
off the wagon. Are you guilty of any of these transgressions? If so,
the solutions are clear and simple:
Focus, prioritize, get support, be accountable, be patient, plan,
balance and personalize. For accountability and support, there is no better tool than to
join a support community.
Whitney Cabrera
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