
Relief for Menopause With Acupuncture and Herbs

Harmony Health Acupuncture and Herbs

Menopause ... Many women just seem to survive it.

When I run into the usual complaints - the night sweats, foggy thinking, dryness, weight gain, depression and others - I always wish they'd give acupuncture and herbs a try in helping to lighten their load.

Hot flashes is the one uncomfortable condition I hear about most often. A cup of coffee sends one woman into a fiery blaze. Another - a friend - suddenly burns up at work while sitting at her desk.

But all these conditions are treatable with Chinese Medicine, which has long, rich history in addressing women's issues. The nagging symptoms may not all go away, but you can find relief.

Chinese Medicine is about balance. In that context, Menopause - and perimenopause - represent disharmonies between Yin and Yang. Yin represents the soft side of our bodies, including the wide range of fluids that nourish our muscles, bones and organs. These fluids - which include hormones - cool and balance out the warm energy of Yang. Over time, work, emotions, lifestyle habits, diet and age deplete the Yin. As a result, heat begins to dominate. When that happens, you get hot flashes, night sweats, dryness, loss of fertility, insomnia and a range of other issues.

It's not so hard to correlate this to western physiology. Menopause and perimenopause signal the marked decline of estrogen and progesterone production by the ovaries. At times, the brain signals "more estrogen!". But there's less to go around. This radical interplay can stimulate heat-producing pathways in the brain. It also can upset the balance of key mood-regulating chemicals, such as serotonin and endorphins.

Acupuncture and herbs have a very strong effect on natural body balance. Many points and formulas actively stimulate and redistribute Yin energy, which in turn helps cool down the body and take the edge off the emotions. In fact, Chinese Medicine's emphasis on diet, lifestyle and exercise offers the kind of holistic approach that can make Menopause and perimenopause a much more enjoyable experience.

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