
We Have A Winner For The New Smile Makeover Brittany Muldoon!!

Winner Announced January 28th
3) Brittany Muldoon You've Won

Voting Has Ended The New Smile Makeover by Dr. Lisa Brewer.

How Finalists Were Chosen
Finalists were chosen by Dr. Lisa Brewer's evaluation of the photos sent in by the contestants. A further evaluation was then made upon an oral examination by Dr. Brewer of a narrowed down list of candidates who met the dental requirements and criteria of the $10,000 amount of the contest.

How Winner Will Be Chosen
The winner of the $10,000 New Smile Makeover will be chosen by you, members of WQmag.com, by casting your vote for your favorite contestant!


1) You must be wqmag.com member and be "LOGGED OR SIGNED IN" to see the Comment/Reply box to vote. Once signed in the Comment/Reply box is located after the last entry. If you do not see a Comment/Reply box you are not signed in or have not joined wqmag.com. To Join Click Here. To Sign In Click Here.

2) Go To The Reply box and Enter The Entry Number or Name of the entry you want to vote on.
Entry Numbers are 1-3 and are located next to the ENTRY Name Below.

3) Limit one vote per wqmag member per day. Limit one wqmag.com account per person in the voting process.

4) No one is permitted to SPAM "VOTING REQUESTS" to other members. This prevents any solicitation to members who may not want to participate in the voting process. Inviting people that you know to join wqmag.com so that they will vote for you is encouraged.

5) Entry With the Most VALID Votes Wins The New Smile Makeover!

6) Voting Begins Monday January 18th and Ends Saturday January 23rd at 11:59pm.
Winner Announced by January 28, 2010.

7) New Smile Makeover Officials reserve the right to add or make adjustment to
any of the rules at any time during the contest voting period should the need arise. Please feel free to check back as needed for updates.

8) Any comments deemed inappropriate will be deleted and not be counted as a vote. Any comments deemed as negative towards any contestant in any way will be deleted and not be counted as a vote. Keep you comments clean and positive and your votes will count!

Finalist Entries:

1) Jane Barr

2) Sarah Hunter

3) Brittany Muldoon

Views: 566


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Comment by brandon stubbs on January 21, 2010 at 8:08pm
#3 she would get the longest life out or a new smile
Comment by Michelle Hardcastle on January 21, 2010 at 8:06pm
brittney has my vote go number 3
Comment by Matt Burke on January 21, 2010 at 8:05pm
number 3
Comment by Dr. Lisa Brewer on January 21, 2010 at 5:22pm
Good luck ladies! We are so excited for whomever wins. We are looking forward to making you even more beautiful and to showcase our talent. We chose those candidates who could benefit from orthodontics, possibly some implants with our on site implant surgeon, teeth whitening and our many other cosmetic procedures. Myself and my team love what we do and this is such a great way to give back and for you all to spread the word about this talented, friendly, hardworking and fun dental office and team. If you know anyone who is looking for a new dental home with a state of the art facility, convenient location and scheduling and over the top service, please tell them about us. We are here to help them achieve their dental goals. God Bless and good luck!!
Comment by Beth Whistler on January 21, 2010 at 5:11pm
#1 Jane Barr! - go Jane!
Comment by Susan Angermann on January 21, 2010 at 4:52pm
#1 Jane Barr.
Comment by kathy barsorri on January 21, 2010 at 4:41pm
i vote for jane barr
Comment by Brook Lee on January 21, 2010 at 4:32pm
#1 Jane Barr
Comment by gary osika on January 21, 2010 at 4:31pm
#2 saarah hunter
Comment by Dr Diane Stewart on January 21, 2010 at 3:56pm
I vote # 1) Jane Barr She would have the most change!!




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