
Your Monthly Horoscope: February 2010 by Tere Greenwald

Typically February is the love month with Valentine's Day in the middle of the month. Venus, the planet of love, is quite active this month which will bring relationship issues to the forefront. There is the opportunity for some deep healing around these issues of the heart with Venus traveling close to Chiron. Mercury entering Aquarius on the 10th helps to focus us on the future not the past. The new moon on the 13th in Aquarius emphasizes a look towards the future once again as we begin a new lunar cycle. A great day for romance is the 16th so don't place to high of an expectation on the 14th.

The sun enters the sign of Pisces on the 18th then conjuncts Jupiter on the 28th Full Moon. This Full Moon is in Virgo which is typically a practical sign and not too emotional. This Full Moon has a positive aspect so you may see the seeds you planted earlier now coming to fruition.

Aries...The New Moon on the 13th takes place in your friendship and networking house. It will be important to line your thoughts up with what you are doing at this time. Follow through on creating a bigger circle is important now to help you move forward. The Full Moon on the 28th takes place in your sixth house of day to day routines. You may see a more solid schedule showing itself if this is what you have been working towards. Remember to add your networking lunches into the new schedule!

Taurus...The New Moon on the 13th takes place in your career house. You will see new career opportunities show themselves. If unattached you may spend Valentine's Day with friends, it is possible to have a friend turn into a lover. Venus is now in your friendship house so take advantage of the positive vibe there. The Full Moon in Virgo on the 28th trines your sign which makes it even better for you. This this takes place in your fifth house of true love and romance, it may feel like Valentine's day continues through to the end of the month!

Gemini...The New Moon on the 13th takes place in your ninth house. You may want to plan a trip or learn something new at this time. You may find foreign places and people intriguing now. The Full moon on the 28th in Virgo places home and family matters on the front burner. You may find something or someone needs your full attention now.

Cancer...The New Moon on the 13th helps you to increase your money flow from outside sources. This can be anything from clients paying you to obtaining a loan. Be open to the flow and collect any debts that may be owed to you. The Full Moon in Virgo on the 28th helps you to be practical with your emotions. Cancer is ruled by the moon so your sign will feel the moon cycles even stronger than others.

The New Moon on the 13th takes place in your partnership house. You may see a new partner stepping in or a current one making more of a commitment. Remember this is both business and romantic partners. The Full Moon in Virgo on the 28th places a focus on your money flow. You may be more practical about your money matters at this time and just take the next logical step.

Virgo...The New Moon on the 13th takes place in your sixth house of day to day routines. You may see more opportunities now and will be very busy keeping up with everything. Decide what your priorities are and make the most of it. The Full Moon on the 28th is in your sign. You may see the seeds you planted at the New Moon coming to fruition at the Full Moon.

The New Moon on the 13th takes place in your romance house. This is perfect timing with Valentine's Day so close by. It is a good time to spend with loved ones and a new special someone may enter your life. The
Full Moon on the 28th takes place in your internal world. This may cause you to want to be more alone or only with close friends at this time. It is a good time for self reflection.

The New Moon on the 13th takes place in your fourth house of home and family matters. You may move forward on a home related project or start to resolve a family issue at this time. The Full Moon in Virgo on the 28th highlights your social life. Enjoy time with friends and set some time aside for fun.

The New Moon on the 13th opens new doors with communication. This rules all forms of media and Internet communication as well. Pay attention to how you are presenting and marketing yourself. Your career house is highlighted at the Full Moon on the 28th. Perhaps your marketing efforts will show some positive results at this Full Moon.

The New Moon on the 13th takes place in your second house of money and assets. You may see new opportunities to increase your money flow at this time. The Full Moon on the 28th may have you learning something new. Be open to learning new information that may also support an increase in your finances.

The New Moon on the 13th takes place in your sign. It is always a bit of a wild card when there is a New Moon in your sign. Basically you get to decide how you want to use this energy. It will mostly be about self growth and personal development. The Full Moon on the 28th brings fullness to a financial matter. The Sun entering Pisces helps to support this.

The New Moon on the 13th takes place in your internal world. You may find yourself tying up loose ends and completing what has been left undone. The sun goes into your sign on the 18th allowing you to move forward more easily. The Full Moon on the 28th takes place in your partnership house. Allow partnerships to fully show themselves and let go of those that no longer serve you.

by Tere Greenwald

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