Here Are 5 Tips
Thinking of taking that first step to giving up smoking? Congratulations! Anytime is a great time to focus on a healthier you. Here are some tips on how to quit from a successful ex-smoker.
Pick a quit-date and make a promise.
We all have that person close to us nagging us to quit smoking. Pick a date and make a promise to a person very important to you that you will quit on that date. Mark the date on your calendar and as the date nears begin to prepare - buy a stop-smoking aid (Nicotine gum, a Nicotine patch, etc) and send a reminder email to your support to reinforce the promise you made.
Change your surroundings.
Take a vacation. Maybe not a literal vacation, but, if you can, try changing your daily environment by taking a week’s worth of vacation time from work. Taking the time off allows you to focus on replacing your habit while avoiding the temptation to take the coveted smoke-break.
During that first week of non-smoking, keep yourself and your hands busy. Fill your day with some recipes, crafts or DIY projects that you’ve never had the time to try.
Replace the habit.
Beating the habit means changing your habits. Replace the smoking behavior with another, healthier behavior. Have a breath mint or chew a piece of gum each time you feel a craving. Keep a bottle of water or flavored water on hand and sip through the cravings. When you find yourself unable to sleep because you are craving that ritual last cigarette of the evening, do push-ups. Replace your smoke-break at work with a walk up and down the stairs or frequent the water cooler instead of the “smoking area”.
Focus on total health.
The key to maintaining your new non-smoking status is stubbornness. Keep focused on the overall goal - total health. Use this transition to your advantage by transitioning multiple bad habits at once. Quitting smoking is about gaining control over your habits and your health. Whether it seems apparent or not, controlling your diet and exercise routine gives you something to focus on and establishes a reward-system for your new behavior.
Tell everyone.
Tell everyone you know that you ARE quitting smoking, not that you plan to quit or that you are trying to quit, but that you ARE quitting. Tell your boss, your colleagues, your neighbors, your friends, the gas station attendant that normally sells you cigarettes - tell everyone. By committing to quitting to your entire network of contacts and friends, you are putting your reputation on the line.
Reinforce your decision by making failure unpleasant and by making success rewarding. The key to quitting smoking is changing your overall habits, especially in the beginning, and focusing on your overall health. It is not overwhelming. It is not impossible. You can do it!