
Made Simple

Social networking on the internet has spawned an entire jargon of terms and catch-phrases that are multiplying at a rapid rate
. Here's a simple list of terms to keep you up-to-date and in the loop.

Social Networking Terms

blog —
(n.) content written, uploaded and updated daily, weekly, monthly or occasionally by an individual author on a variety of topics, both personal and professional; (v.) blog: to write a blog; (n.) blogger: someone who blogs; (n.) blogosphere: a compendium of blogs throughout the internet; (n.) guest blogger: someone who blogs on someone else's blog.

bulletin board — (n.) a web page where visitors can post announcements and news. Bulletin boards are typically incorporated in on-line forums; (n.) BBS (Bulletin Board System)

embed —
(v.) to copy html code onto a web page so that visual and textual content will be duplicated directly on the web page without the visitor having to navigate to the url where the content was first posted. By embedding content in emails, messages and other web pages, users can easily share and spread articles, videos and photographs across the internet.

Facebook —
(n.) a social networking website where members can post and exchange personal and public notices, comments and content, including written material, photos, videos and music. Members can become friends of other members, allowing messaging among groups of friends. Members can join groups and promotional fan pages. Content is handily exchanged among friends through a "news feeds" which allows friends to see all the updates that other friends make.

Feedburner —
(n.) a media distribution service for bloggers and web feeds.

MySpace —
(n.) a social networking website where members can post and exchange personal and public notices, comments and contents, including written material, photos, videos and music. Members can become friends of other members, allowing messaging among groups of friends.

podcast — (n.) related audio and/or video digital files that are created and released by episode, and syndicated throughout the web.

post —
(n.) uploaded digital content; (v.) to post — to upload digital content.

(n.) acronym for "Really Simple Syndication" or "Rich Site Summary", RSS is a system for summarizing frequently updated web sites and streamlining the updated content into a simple log or feed that reads like a catalog.

SEO — (n.) acronym for Search Engine Optimization, SEO is the practice of trying to drive traffic to a website by enhancing tags, keywords and other content that search engines use to index content on the web.

social bookmarking —
(n.) the practice of publicly bookmarking and sharing favorite websites with other web users by broadly describing and categorizing content so that other users can discover new websites. Popular social bookmarking sites: digg, delicious, Stumbleupon, twitter.

social networking —
(n.) the practice of joining websites to interact with other people on-line, including friends, relatives, acquaintances, co-workers, business associates, clients, prospective clients, etc. Popular social networking sites: Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn.

tag —
(n.) descriptive adjectives, phrases and categories used to label and identify website content so that it can be properly sorted and indexed by search engines; (v.) to tag: the act of tagging and indexing or linking one item on the web to another.

viral — (adj.) to go "viral" is to have web content become massively popular and instantly shared by users on the web.

wall —
(n.) another name for bulletin board; a web page on Facebook page where users can post announcements, notices, comments and other content; a place to blog.

by lawriter

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Thanks for the info, I printed this for a handy reference.

Great little cheat sheet! Thanks for posting this.

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