
Val Filipski
  • Female
  • Sarasota FL
  • United States
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  • John Greer
  • Jack Alexander
  • Genevieve Tomlinson
  • Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist

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Val Filipski's Page

Profile Information

My Hometown
Hempstead, NY
In a relationship
About Me
Can you believe my "job" is CHOCOLATE?! I am definitely in the happiness business.
Interests and Hobbies
Female boomers business owners
Dove Chocolate Discoveries Chocolatier
High School?
SHA Hempstead NY
SUNY Buffalo
Favorite Movies, TV?
Dr. Doolittle
Harry Potter
Lord of the Rings
Top Chef
Women's NCAA basketball
Favorite Books?
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
Conversations with God
Favorite Websites?

Favorite place to eat?
Favorite place to shop?
Favorite place to go?
Beach at sunrise or sunset
Do you have kids?
How many?
Childrens age range?
30+, Asher Samuel - 6 weeks
What are your favorite name brands of clothing?
Anything that fits
New Balance 505
Purses and Accessories?
What is a purse?
What is your must have for your closet?
Favorite place to get your hair and nails done?
1820 Hillview - see Rita
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Val Filipski's Blog

Chocolate Val - EZier to Remember!

Posted on November 15, 2009 at 8:30am 0 Comments

Widly Successful, Twitter tutorials and adding clients are things in the past.

No need to explain CHOCOLATE. Just say the word and people smile.

Dove Chocolate Discoveries created by the Mars Company in 2007 to answer the growing need for premium chocolates folks can taste before they buy! The facts? $16-$17 BILLION spent just on chocolate in 2008 - during the recesssion.

Home parties, fundraisers, team members are all welcome!

Check it… Continue

Up in the Branches Aug. 26

Posted on August 26, 2009 at 11:00am 0 Comments

Another question that pops up regularly is, "what do I Tweet or Twitter". MOST people who use social media networks for biz are not really interested in what you are eating for breakfast or what shoes to wear. They ARE interested in

1. What you are reading

2. What you are saying

3. What cool gizmo you've uncovered to make THEIR lives better, longer, faster, stronger etc.

What you are reading - besides being a part of WQ and reading everything here, do you… Continue

Up in the Branches Aug. 18

Posted on August 19, 2009 at 1:00am 0 Comments

Twitter Tropical Topicals

Twitter, tweets, tweeting, follow, follower, following - Why should you care? What does this have to do with your business? EVERYTHING!

I can hear the voices in your head (I sounded like that last year) - "I don't have time; I don't understand; It is just for techies; I am busy enough without ONE MORE THING added to my daily to do list." So, I AM a techie and I didn't want to be bothered. I already "did" Facebook & LinkedIn, Digg… Continue

Comment Wall (22 comments)

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At 7:13am on May 3, 2010, Backyard Getaway (Lisa) said…
Congrats Val on winning the 4 tickets to our 5th Annual Parade of Ponds. Have a great time! See you on Saturday!
At 3:30am on May 3, 2010, admin said…
Hi Val,
You've won 4 tickets to the Parade of Ponds please email me your phone number as soon as you can so I can get them to you :)

At 3:02pm on February 28, 2010, Val Filipski said…
Under all of the "systems", I've used Gmail and got them. Not in spam folder or WQMag folder. Using val@srqchocolate.com and srqchocolate@gmail.com.
At 10:15am on February 28, 2010, Amy Warren, LMHC / WQ Mag Columnist said…
The Scoop emails continue to go out twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays. Check your junk mail and let us know your email program if you are not receiving it.
At 5:02pm on October 27, 2009, admin said…
You have been selected as one of our business listing winners!!

You have a won a free business listing in the printed WQmag Magazine. Please email me at kim@proadmedia.com the following information: Your Company Name, address, phone number, website address. Also Let us know what your company does so we know what section to put your listing under.

At 4:43pm on September 21, 2009, Backyard Getaway (Lisa) said…
Val, I love your new profile picture. Too cute.
At 1:56pm on September 21, 2009, Backyard Getaway (Lisa) said…
Val, I love your new profile picture. Too cute.
At 6:23pm on September 2, 2009, Jaszy McAllister said…
Hey Val! Thanks for stopping by and for commenting. Misty and I (mostly Misty) are trying out a new brand. I'll give a review once we've had a chance to thoroughly test it out.
At 3:35pm on August 18, 2009, Michelle Donner said…
Thanks Miss Val.. Look forward to seeing you on Friday.
At 9:08pm on July 26, 2009, WQ|mag Admin said…
Yes, I now see. I didn't read what your wrote correctly. I love pickles:) Wes




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