
Tips on Treating it Naturally

Acne is caused by the production of excess sebum. This sebum builds up and blocks pores. A variety of factors can lead to overproduction of sebum including fluctuating hormones, stress, medications, tight-fitting clothing and genetics. Over the counter and prescription products can treat acne. But those products may also come with a list of warnings and side effects. You can treat acne naturally with significant results.

The following natural remedies are usually much safer for your health and the environment:

Zinc: People with acne tend to be zinc-deficient. Eating foods naturally rich in zinc, such as beef, chicken, and yogurt, as well as many nuts and beans will boost your zinc level. You can also try zinc supplements.

Omega-3: Omega-3 fatty acids give the skin healing power. Omega-3 helps to clear up acne by thinning the sebum that clogs the pores. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids include fish and fish oils and vegetable oils. Salmon and flaxseed oils are known for boosting Omega-3.

Tea Tree Oil: Apply tea-tree oil to the area several times each day.
Some research indicates that tea tree oil is just as effective as benzoyl peroxide, the number one over-the-counter acne treatment.

Chasteberry Tea: For women who have acne flare-ups during their menstrual cycle, Chasteberry tea is the recommended treatment.
It has been shown in studies that Chasteberry tea helps regulate female hormones. One cup per day should do the trick. It is important that you don’t over-do this remedy. Drinking excessive amounts of the tea may worsen your acne.

Sugar: Cut the sugar out of your diet.
I used to have monthly flare-ups of blemishes. The remedy that worked best for me was to give up sugar. I replaced the sugar in my diet with honey and molasses. Believe it or not, refined sugar is processed to remove the nutrients. The byproduct is molasses, which retains all the nutrition lost in the processing. If you must eat sugar, eat brown unrefined sugar and cut back when your acne flares up. Artificial sweeteners come with a variety of warnings and health risks. Splenda does not currently contain warning labels, but it is highly processed and refined and simply not what nature intended.

Vinegar, Lemon Juice and Aloe: Each of these may be used with positive results on acne. The vinegar and lemon juice work to clean your pores. The aloe works to heal skin damage. Studies have shown that treating the sores with aloe will reduce scars and speed healing.

by Heather Schulte

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In my research, I have also found that people with a candida overgrowth problem can also have trouble with acne and other breakouts. Partly this is because the skin is our largest organ and if our natural toxin removal system (colon) is overloaded, toxins come out through the skin and candida creates a lot of toxins.

I have also seen a connection with consumption of dairy products and acne, usually with people with an allergy or sensitivity to dairy. Stopping these products and drinking lots of water to flush the system can have an amazing effect on acne. I saw this with my younger son who had terrible acne and medication, continued trips to the doctor, creams, cleaners ,ect. had no effect.

Also, pineapples are supposed to be very effective applied topically. There are enzymes in the juice that combat acne.

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