
RELATIONSHIP TIP OF THE WEEK: Make Apologies Meaningful

When you say “I’m sorry”, make sure you aren’t just mouthing empty words. Too many people say “I’m sorry” and continue to do the same thing -- resulting in a meaningless apology. You can only expect to be forgiven when you’ve shown your sincerity with both words and actions. Back your words up with actions that show you won’t do whatever you are apologizing for again. In this way, you earn forgiveness and re-establish trust in your relationship.

And don’t let pride get in the way of saying “I’m sorry.” The people you care about will only know your regrets if you voice them. When those words are backed up with actions, those two words provide comfort and in time, belief that you won’t do it again.

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Comment by Doug Ross on August 19, 2009 at 7:45am
I couldn't agree more. Hollow sorry's soon wear very thin. Once or twice I have said, "I don't think you are!" (or you would change)



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