
QUICK TIPS for a healthy low calorie breakfast

It’s the most important meal of the day but it can also be the highest in calories if you make the wrong choices.
The traditional American breakfast of two eggs fried in a greasy skillet, three strips of bacon or sausage, two slices of toast topped off with full fat butter and jelly, and a big glass of whole milk is more calories than most people can handle if they’re trying to control their weight. If you fall into this category, you need fast and sensible ideas for a low calorie breakfast that will keep you satisfied and still taste good. Here are some low calorie breakfast ideas that won’t leave you feeling guilty.

Egg whites are king

Egg whites rule the kitchen when it comes to a healthy, low calorie breakfast. With a large egg having only seventeen calories, no fat, and plenty of protein, it’s a dieter’s dream come true. Plus, what could be more versatile than an egg? To make the preparation of egg whites easier, buy a container of already prepared Egg Beaters or liquid egg whites at your local grocery store. Use them to prepare scrambled egg whites seasoned with herbs and spices or an egg white omelet loaded with fresh veggies. Coat your skillet with cooking spray to reduce the fat when you prepare your scrambled eggs or omelet. There are endless variations on items you can use to flavor your omelet. Try using a small amount of low fat cheese or some spicy Mexican salsa. Be creative with what you add to your omelet! Just keep the ingredients low calorie.

Low-fat or sugar-free yogurt

Yogurt is another versatile breakfast food if you’re trying to control your weight, as long as you buy a low-fat or sugar-free version. Some commercial yogurts are saturated with sugar and fat and will do your waistline no favors. If you stick with a plain, low-fat yogurt, you can significantly reduce your morning calorie intake. Flavor it by adding fresh fruit, sugar-free jellies, sugar-free maple syrup, sugar-free chocolate syrup, or flavoring extracts. With this breakfast food, you’ll get a healthy dose of calcium and protein without consuming a lot of calories. Stir a small amount of low calorie bran cereal into your yogurt instead of eating cereal with milk, or use yogurt in a healthy fruit smoothie. Yogurt’s versatility is endless.


Although oatmeal isn’t the lowest calorie breakfast food, it’s quite filling. Make it more diet friendly by avoiding pre-packaged or instant oatmeal. Opt for the slower cooking kind and let it cook overnight in a crock pot so it’s ready in the morning. For a delicious cereal that’s lower in calories and has less carbs, try mixing half oatmeal with half wheat bran. Sweeten with fresh fruit, calorie-free sweetener, or sugar-free maple syrup, and add skim milk instead of whole milk. Yum!

When you need it quick

If you’re so rushed some mornings that you only have time to grab something quick, keep some sugar-free, low calorie protein bars and some low sugar, whole grain cereal on hand. It’s a good idea to weigh the cereal and package one hundred calorie portions into re-sealable plastic bags. Then when you’re running late, grab one. You can snack on it on the way to the office. Although this is suitable for mornings when you wake up late, to optimize nutrition, try to make more time for a healthy breakfast.

Breakfast doesn’t have to be a high calorie disaster when you make the right choice. Choose a low calorie breakfast that’s high in nutritional value and you can avoid those late morning cravings that’ll send you straight to the candy machine.

by Dr. Kristie

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Low sugar instant oatmeal is my fave!

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