The last networking lunch I attended was at Longevity and have not been notified of anymore events. When is the next one going to be and where are you advertising them?
I forgot to tell you. We are offering an ad on our website for just $25 per month. This ad special is not on the current promotion, but we are going to be adding it because some people just want to promote on the website. The ad is normally $45. Thanks, Wes
Hi Suzanne, I have uploaded our new promotion for advertising on the website and in the magazine. It is an incredible promotion for small businesses. Our website Daily Scoop email blast is now up to 11,000 people and our print publication is reaching approximately 30,000 people a quarter. If you are still interested, please feel free to call me at 863-670-1044 to go over the details. Thank you. Wes Craven
Hi Suzanne, Thank you for your interest in our WQ Mag Member Business Partner program. We have been adding some more benefits to the program in the last couple days. If you could email me your phone number to I will be finishing up with the stuff this weekend and I will give you a call. Thanks, Wes
Suzanne - welcome to WQ MAG website. It's great. Please check out my workshops for women on this site under 'events' and also on my website at
Hi Suzanne, Welcome to WQ How did you hear about the website? Don't forget to enter into some the Freebies and take advantage of the Deals that can only be found on WQ If there is anything that you would like to see on the site, just let us know. Thanks for joining and tell your friends. Wes
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Truly, Jack'Thought you might like to see this, which is viewable also on video at:
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