
Is it possible to be both assertive and feminine? Some people would say ‘no, you can’t,’ but I believe it is not only possible, but necessary for successful women leaders in today’s work place. So how do we accomplish this? What should a woman do and how must she act to be seen in this light? I will provide you with a few techniques to successfully being assertive when necessary while maintaining your femininity at the same time.

1. Being assertively feminine requires you to use your judgement and take a firm stance when appropriate and necessary. You must have a full understanding of who you are dealing with, what you want to accomplish in all situations, when it makes sense to assert yourself, and how much pressure you need to apply to achieve the needed response.

2. You will need to establish boundaries and when attempting to reach agreements with others. Sometimes brainstorming with others to find solutions that satisfy everyone’s needs is an excellent way of being assertively feminine.

3. It’s vitally important that you learn how to manage conflicts with others. Always go for a win/win but realize that sometimes that’s not a viable solution.

4. Being assertive is simply having sufficient courage to be direct, clear, and concise. Say what you mean, mean what you say, state what you want and then stand your ground.

Being assertive is not about giving up the feminine side of yourself. It’s about getting more out of life by standing up for yourself and what you believe is right when it is necessary to do so.

Esther Bird, Certified Life and Career Coach www.brightfuture4u2.com

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Comment by Gerry Davies MD on June 26, 2009 at 2:53pm
Wouldn't this apply equally for a man?



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