
Using Social Networkng to Build Your Business

Social Networking has become the number one way of successfully promoting your business. If you’ve been fighting this trend and holding off on participating in this type of marketing, you need to change your mindset and get involved now! Trust me, your competition is doing it and benefiting.

It may seem intimidating at first, but in no time you will find that this type of marketing will pay off in big ways. The first step is to open accounts on the various networking sites and start exploring and learning how to use them. Here are a few recommendations for getting started:

1. I recommend that you select the “top three” sites. They happen to be LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. (all can be found easily online)

2. Develop complete profiles which includes your employment history, education, and summary about who you are and the service or products you provide.

3. Make connections with others – develop a network of other business people (the more contacts you have the better).

4. Always keep in mind that you are there to promote your business. All posts should be related to that, not personal things like “visiting my grandchildren.” It would be better to add information like “attending class on how to better market my business.”

5. Begin blogging. Create your own short articles expressing your opinions. You then send them to others and post the blogs on other social networking sites. Remember: as the author of a helpful and interesting blog, you are assumed to be the expert.

6. Try article syndication of articles of 500-800 words. Submit to free article websites and bloggers specific to your industry. To find these free sites, Google “blog websites.”

If you are telling yourself “This sounds like good advice, but how do I do it?” please know that a good solution is coming your way soon. Two local business women and I have established a new company, Innovative Ventures Consortium, LLC. IVC will be offering help, advice and training in many subjects that can help businesses and we’ll also be expanding into a variety of areas. We will be offering webinars about social networking in the near future.

This method of marketing online is here to stay. If you don’t start now and learn how to use these sites to grow your business, many others will surpass you and succeed while your business struggles to survive.

Visit my site at www.brightfuture4u2.com

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Comment by marie rust on July 13, 2009 at 8:45am
good job...good luck with the company
Comment by Val Filipski on July 12, 2009 at 5:50pm
My bad - I will check it now - we ought to chat too!
Comment by Esther Bird on July 11, 2009 at 5:09pm
thanks for positive comment on the blog. Glad you liked it. So how come you and I aren't connected on Facebook and Linked In? Look for me and I'll look for you.
Comment by Val Filipski on July 11, 2009 at 4:51pm
Hey, Esther good stuff here. There are ways to automate postings between social networks and blogs so it doesn't become too onerous. I am amazed at the people I meet (and follow) on Twitter and Facebook.


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Comment by Rita Bertler on July 10, 2009 at 8:53am
Way to go girl! good news regarding your new venture with Wendy & Sue
Comment by Mary Puncec on July 10, 2009 at 8:24am
I am so glad to see a local interest in learning more about social networking. I am reading Tara Hunt's book, have heard her talk about it, and think the concept has validity for all of us. Now I need to get with it!
Comment by admin on July 9, 2009 at 10:42pm
Hey Esther,

Don't forget about WQ|mag Online!! Great way to promote your business!
Shameless plug....

Thanks for the good and informative blog,



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