
Are you focusing only on the muscles you can see in the mirror? I bet you don’t look in the mirror and say, “Wow, my upper back is looking good,” or “check out my hamstrings.” Unfortunately, most strength training programs focus on muscle groups like the biceps, abs and chest. If you continue to work the same muscles over and over again, you develop muscle imbalances. Muscle imbalances lead to postural deviations.
I am sure you have seen men (or women) at the gym that look hunched over with their shoulders rolled in. They look like a popsicle- big upper body with chicken legs. Yes, they may have nice arms and a big chest but the muscle imbalances being created will cause problems down the road.

Key steps to improve your strength-training program:

Train smart. Have a strength-training plan that emphasizes all the major muscles along with a solid core and balance training plan. You will look great and limit any potential postural deviations.
Flexibility. Increasing range of motion and having an optimal level of flexibility requires proper core, balance and strength exercises. If you don’t, you may be increasing these deviations, which will lead to injury.
Get to know your body. Have a fitness professional perform a postural analysis on you. It’s much better to know what exercises you need to do to improve or correct any imbalances you may have, rather than exercises you’ve read in a magazine or see others perform at the gym. Plus, once you understand what you need to work on your workouts become more customized and structured.

So, the next time you check yourself out, go ahead and say, “man, my lower back and rear deltoids look awesome!”

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Comment by Anita Wexler on July 14, 2009 at 6:56am
The next give away should be a fitness analysis!! I can I love my body except from my hips to my knees, my muscles are not toned enough (my but could be tighter, too) (too soft). I know, TMI!! Any suggestions (I am somewhat a pear shape (I have my mother's thighs).

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