
I am fully aware that this is a sensitive issue. I will attempt to write this article not to upset anyone but to help both sides of this sensitive issue learn and think about it in a different light. Please note that opinions expressed are my opinions, and if you believe I am mistaken, I would like to hear from you. Educate me, please. But let’s all be respectful of the opinions of others.

Pro-choice or pro-life – are they on opposite sides of the issue? I don’t really think they are. Here’s why:

Pro-Life: Those that adamently support pro-life are 100% against abortion – no exceptions and no gray areas of the issue to them. Black and white, abortion is murder and it’s always wrong. Their believe is religion based and they are unwavering in their belief.

Pro-Choice: Those that are pro-choice do not necessarily believe that abortion is something they would choose for themselves. Pro-choice is not the oppositve of pro-life since pro-choicers are not sayng abortion is the answer. Supporters see this issue with some gray areas. For example:

a. when pregnancy is a result of incest or rape, would choosing abortion be better for the mother-to-be? Would aborting this fetus, would it be an acceptable thing?

b. in cases when the mother’s life is threatened by the pregnancy, would this be an acceptable reason to abort?

c. if it is determined that the child is severely handicapped, brain damaged or not likely to live due to birth defects, would abortion be a reasonable alternative plan?

I feel that the pro-choice stance is saying that the government should not have a say in the difficult decision of abortion. This decision, as difficult as it is, should be made by the expectant mother, her doctor, and her God. Therefore, pro-choice is NOT THE OPPOSITE of pro-life. It is an issue where options should be available.

I am fortunate that I have never had to make the decision of aborting or not. I do not believe that I could ever choose to do so, but…… if the circumstances were to arise, I would feel strongly that the decision should be mine to make.


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Comment by Esther Bird on August 18, 2009 at 8:57pm
thanks for your comment. Hope you're having a good week.
Comment by Rosalie Kay on August 18, 2009 at 8:34pm
Thank you, Esther, I believe the same. As I have gotten older I have discovered it is real easy to pass judgement when it is not you that is in a certain situation. I am not a God, so therefore I make an extra effort not to pass judgement on anyone.



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