
Five Things to do if You Lose Your Job

1. File for unemployment. If you're laid off, you automatically quality for state unemployment benefits. Payment levels are determined by how much you made, up to state-imposed limits. Typically, you can expect to receive about $293 a week for 46 weeks. Filing can be done online without leaving the house. In most cases it takes 2-3 weeks to received your first week's benefits.

2. Trade down the totem pole. Snagging a job, even if it's not your dream position, will allow you to better weather the economic storm until the job market improves. What's more, there is value to getting your foot in the door at a company where you ultimately might want to pursue a long-term career.

3. Get retrained. If your old job was in an industry hit especially hard by the recession, consider developing a new, more marketable set of skills. The good news is that retraining is available on any budget.

4. Fill time gaps in your resume. If you currently are jobless and worried about the impression that will make on a potential employer, seek out freelance or consulting work. While not full-time, freelance work allows you to expand your experience and stay sharp.

5. Find other sources of money. While many states are extending the term of unemployment benefits, a government check doesn't pay like a real job. Indeed, jobless benefits replace only about 35% of lost wages for most American families. This is the time to tap any emergency savings. If you're broke, don't delay--slash expenses and cash out of any CDs you own. You may be tempted to withdraw funds from your 401(k) but be forewarned. If you empty your 401(k) before you turn 59-1/2, you immediately lose as much as half in taxes and penalties. Do this only as a last resort.

If you are interested in more details on this topic, I hope you will contact me. As a career coach I would be happy to work with you and assist you in these suggested areas of your professional life. I can be reached by responding to this message or by calling 941-266-9578. www.brightfuture4u2.com

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Comment by Esther Bird on July 21, 2009 at 11:13am
excellent idea - I do networking so much I sort of thought it was something everyone does anyway - guess not. It certainly deserves mention as something important to do. Thanks for your comment.
Comment by Val Filipski on July 21, 2009 at 10:21am
Great ideas, Esther! I would also suggest - NETWORKING! Here @WQMag - check out all of the card exchanges going on all the time. You never know who is looking for YOU, and sometimes in the most unlikely places. Be open to new ideas and new directions.




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