
Boost your Energy and Fight Fatigue Naturally!

Have you heard of glutathione? Every Cell in our body needs it along with water ,oxygen and glucose to survive. For those of you that are chronic fatigue sufferers this is vital information. Together these molecules are the basis of energy production for each and every one of of our cells, and in turn for each breath, thought and movement. At a cellular level,if you think of your cells as a factory and they shut off the energy supply what would happen to the factory it would stop production. On a "macro" level too, the body is also a factory which will stop if it doesn't get its energy supply too! Everyone knows e need air, water and food to live but where do we get our glutathione? We make it! Every cell makes and recycles glutathione.
So what is it? It is the Body's Master Antioxidant. It is a small protein produced naturally in our cells. It functions as an antioxidant and as an antitoxin and is a major defense system against illness and aging. Our glutathione levels actually indicates our state of health and is linked to longevity. Centurians demonstrate glutathione levels similar to healthy 30-50 year olds. Moderns research has shown that individuals who have low levels of glutathione are most susceptible to chronic illness. Decreased levels can be brought on by continual stress upon the immune system. aloweree immune sytem can bring about illness and disease. However this is a vicous cycle because while you need glutathione for a productive imune system, a weakend immune system slows down the production of glutathione.
Glutathione has been shown to slow down the aging process, detoxify and improve liver function, strengthen the immune system and reduce chances of developing cancer. It also works to improve mental functions, increase energy, improve concentration,permit increased exercise and imporve the digestive system. Glutathione also is a major chelator of heavy metals, including mercury, a detoxifier of organic pollutants, and a major protector of mitochondrial DNA.MtDNA) Compared with 5 year olds, only 5% of (MtDNA) is normal in 90 year olds.

The Bad news is the our glutathione levels are dropping. They normaly decrease with age at 1% each year after 20. However stress, infection, toxins are also some of the factors that can significantly reduce the bodies supplies. The results can be lower energy, a greater vulnerability to cellular damage, inflammation , accelerated aging and a weakened resistance to various diseases including heart disease, cancer, arthritis, Lupus, fibromyalgia , sleep insomnia etc... Those people with any defined disease have decreased glutathione compared to healthy individuals of the same age.

The Good News is that you can Naturally supplement your levels utilizing Circumin Extreme , this will naturally enhance and maintain healthy levels of glutathione in the body as well as support and detoxify the liver, promote normal cell activity and maintain neurological health especially for those with Alzheimer's it will promote a healthy immune system , restful sleep and of course it is a powerful antioxidant.

For information please contact Mauri Blefled Certified NutraMetrix Consultant at 941-993-6681

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