
Why Nutrition? Why Supplements!

Our FREE Wellness Gift to You...
Information That Can Dramatically
Improve Your Health

Have you ever wondered what it takes to live a long, healthy life free from the devastation of illness and disease?

Maybe you've never really thought about it. After all, getting sick is a normal part of life as we get older, right?

What I'd like to share with you is the information that gave our clients and me vibrant wellness. We are grateful that somebody cared enough to share this with us!
In fact, this information hasn't just helped me; it's helped thousands of others get their lives back, too.
Regardless of how healthy you think you are, you've got to at least be aware of this information. Don't wait to face your own crisis and then wonder what happened...get the facts now!

•What nutrients your body absolutely needs in order to be healthy (not getting them is like not changing your car's oil...you know it's going to break down, you just don't know exactly when)
•why you might not be getting the nutrients you think you are in your diet
•why you might not be getting the nutrients you think you are in just beneficial supplements
•a recently discovered category of essential nutrients (i.e. your body needs them to function properly) that you're probably not getting enough of.

Good health means how to feel really good.

Health is the absence of disease. That is a good thing but is that enough? Are you ready to settle for just feeling OK? I’m not!

I know what I have to do. Feel vibrantly healthy! Feeling well! Wellness! You need to be a wellness champion. To be proactive in your wellness every day!

It’s really tough to be well today. This time and the place we live in are not the time and place of our grandparents or of our distant ancestors. Our world is polluted but people don’t know exactly how bad it is.

Many people don’t know how that is really affecting them individually and how they feel. I guess I don’t feel well today because I’m getting older. Nonsense! You can feel vibrantly healthy everyday but you have to compensate for the changes.

Our diets have changed too. The modern diet is not like our ancestral diet. It’s very different. We now have a diet that is convenient, tasty, and high in calories and lots of other junk but low in nutrition by weight. It’s really changed.

Pollutants have caused a lot of stress on our bodies and will continue to cause oxidative stress on our body and on our immune system. There are tens of thousands of chemicals all over the planet and are hazardous to your health. You’re under that stress regardless of where you live. You need to compensate for the change.

If I don’t have any symptoms of illness and I have energy I must be well. No! Not necessarily! A doctor associate one time told me the only way to be sure you are healthy is to have an autopsy.

You need to be eating the right foods. The foods your body was designed to eat. There are all kinds of food you should be eating that are necessary for wellness.

Vitamins and minerals

Chemicals from plants called plant sterols


A unique category of carbohydrates called glyconutrients necessary for wellness. Not only can you supercharge your immune and digestive systems you can also maximize concentration and improve your mood and memory. Our ancestral diet was abundant in these carbohydrates. We are missing or not receiving about 75% of these from our modern diet.

Antioxidant protection from free radicals

Fatty acids

The modern diet is not providing proper nutrition to the body. We need to eat the minimum RDA of fruits and vegetables (5 - 7 servings of fruits and vegetables). Do you get the required nutrients you need in your daily diet? With poor farming methods and the distance the food travels to where you buy them (average 1500 miles) do you think you are getting your daily nutrients?

11% of Americans get the bare minimum they should be eating daily in the terms of fruits and vegetables. Let’s say you are part of the 11% making the right choices every day. And you think you are doing the right thing. You had your 5 - 7 servings of fruits and vegetables. I got all I need following the government guide lines. Do you know that you actually got what you need?

Today it takes 10 oranges to get the nutrition required compared to 1 orange in the 50’s.

It takes 53 peaches to get the nutrition required compared to 1 peach in the 50’s.

Even the 11% are not getting the required RDA. Guess what the other 89% are getting?

Think you need to supplement your diet? They’re not a luxury! Just understand the conditions of the food chain of the 21st Century.

Right now we are in an epidemic of people being overweight. Why?

Choosing the wrong foods! Foods we eat are high in calories and low in nutritional value by weight.

We also are in to low fat dieting. These foods are low fat and low cholesterol and should be the correct way to eat. To do that company’s started to manipulate natural molecules to taste better even though the fat had been removed. These foods were made to say on the label low fat and low cholesterol. To make them taste better even though the fat and cholesterol had been removed. Thus, they didn’t make the food healthier. They sold better.

Are we getting thinner as a Nation? No! This is the proof of pre-packaged low fat foods. Every year as a group our population is getting fatter. People are desperate for answers. Our health care costs are going up. Why? Because our population is getting less healthy every year! It’s driving the cost up. Our population isn’t healthy. If what we are doing is correct we should be getting thinner as a Nation.

We are driving the cost of health care through the roof. We can get health care costs under control by getting on the right track to wellness. If people are well those costs will go down. Every thing will get better.

In Summary

The world we live in is not like the on our grandparents lived in

Pollution is getting worse

Dietary choices are not the best

We are getting fatter

Health care costs are going up

Health Cells = Healthy Bodies

The body is designed to heal itself

Every cell in your body requires nutrition

Cells, tissue and organs require nutrition

Your body is an organic machine. Maintain it properly. Give it the best fuel through your daily diet.

Dietary Supplementation

Think about how the body works. It has everything it requires. Each cell is made to perform their certain function. Each cell in order to perform their function they were designed to perform must have the right fuel.

The right fuel is:

Certain vitamins and minerals to feed the cells

Plant sterols to balance the hormonal function

Glyconutrients to have the cells to communicate with each other

Antioxidants to protect the cells from the ravages of free radicals

Experts say our diet probably doesn’t provide what it needs to stay healthy or to fix itself.

It is imperative that we make wise choices at this time.

There are dietary supplements on the market that are beneficial. Each and every company that offers them has good beneficial products available to choose from.

How do you choose the correct ones that are really vital for the cells to perform their function they were designed to perform?

The ones that are missing from your diet!

Next time we will discuss vital vs. beneficial and wise supplementation. What will my body benefit versus what I have to pay to really benefit my cells to have wellness?

>To learn more about wellness and the missing vital nutrients order:
'The Common Sense Nutrition Approach to Wellness and a Better Quali... by Dr. Dan Fouts


Marian Tschiegg, RN
Glyutritional Wellness Consultant
Nutraceutical Representative
Weight Management Advisor

Marvin Tschiegg
Professional Health Coach

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