
We live in a world of instant gratification. However, when it comes to losing weight and getting your body into better shape, it takes time. Pills and injections are for an illness or injury... not weight loss. So, let’s set the record straight by saying, losing 10 to 15 pounds per week is not going to happen. If it did you will be losing crucial lean muscle tissue and water.

Fitness takes patience and perseverance. Most people give up on their goal because they lack one of these or both. Be realistic and have fun with the process.

Key points to remember:

-Try not to focus on the dreaded scale. Initially concentrate on how you feel. Are you feeling better? Do you have more energy? Is your diet much more balanced? Focus on the benefits and small accomplishments. These will keep you motivated and on track.

-Think of your fitness goals like you would an investment. If you invest money, you don’t expect a huge return a week later. Your fitness goals are a commitment and investment in yourself. There will be ups and downs, but with the right plan you will be successful with a life-changing return.

-Think long-term. You have a specific goal now, but what happens when you reach that goal? Always establish new goals. Whether it’s to decrease your cholesterol or improve your golf game, there is always something we want or need to improve.

You can’t sign-up for a marathon today and expect to run and finish it tomorrow. Remember, have a plan, be patience and persevere. Be different... Be fit!

more tips at www.ftlakewoodranch.com

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Comment by Rita Bertler on July 31, 2009 at 8:42am
Nick, You said it so well about pills & injections with the rapid weight lose causing one to lose lean body muscle. I have several friends who have gone this route with doctors, so they think it is safe. Yes, they lost weight, but also hair and their skin became old looking.

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