
Don’t you hate walking into the gym and realizing you have no idea what you’re going to do? “Cardio first?” “No, maybe I’ll pump some iron first.” This type of indecisive behavior can limit your performance and success. You should know exactly what you are going to do and when.

Here is the plan, design two training plans (workout A and B) that include your cardio and resistance training. Make sure you have all the details covered including, type of cardio, time, specific exercises, repetitions, sets and weight. Each time you workout alternate between workout A and B. Create new training plans every three to four weeks.

This type of discipline and organization will elevate your training and success to a new level. It will also keep your gym time to a minimum… unless you get stuck talking to ‘Mr. I Wander Around and Chat with Everyone.’
Get in… Get out!

More tips at www.ftlakewoodranch.com

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