Why Essential? Because your body cannot do it for you! You need to do it for your body.
We are not going to talk about disease management or suppression of symptoms. Likely your doctor is already doing that. I am here instead to introduce a paradigm shift. The emerging concept of wellness! Wellness gives you the ability to have abundant energy in your life and the ability to live your dreams.
Before going further I must confess for years I have been looking for a simple way to maintain health. Proper health practices including diet did not guarantee good health. Something seemed to be missing.
Over the years I investigated dozens of different approaches. Although they seemed to be promising nothing really made a major difference in people’s lives. A main obstacle to wellness was to have healthy cells.
When our cells are healthy every organ in our body will be healthy. Our cells to function properly depend on the food we eat.
Few dramas are based on just one character. The synergy of a supporting cast is what creates a thrilling performance. And if you want your cells to perform the very best in your own body cell drama you must provide it with the complete essential nutritional cast. One cast member is the support for your Endocrine System
Endocrine System
Our Endocrine System needs support.
For thousands of years we used to eat all the greenery around our homesteads. That’s the history of our society. We were hunters and gatherers. Today’s society doesn’t do that. So what’s the importance of those plants we used to collect? Because in the plants we had what is called plant sterols. Plant hormones.
We were meant to eat them every day of our life. Over the past number of years what has happened to them? We have become a sophisticated society, mass population, mass production. We’re no longer eating from the land. We’re eating Cheeto’s, Doritos and Bandito’s. Plus all the rest of the stuff on the grocery store shelves. And we have totally changed that diet. Why are plant sterols so important for our body?
Let’s talk about the Endocrine System. We all have an Endocrine System built of different glands. Our glands are responsible for producing our hormones. 60% or more of drugs taken today pertain to Endocrine System failures. Whether its antidepressants, thyroid medications, and diabetic medications these drugs are all rampant in our society.
So we have a lot of issues around those glands not functioning. Don’t we? In fact all of us the AMA tell all of us we are hormonally out of balance. There are three reasons they give us:
One is stress causing our glands and immune system to shut down.
The second factor is toxicity. They not only store in your body fat they also store in the glands causing them to shutdown.
The third is lack of nutrition. We’re nutritionally unfed.
How many of you are getting hormones you did not expect to get in your body? Any body eating beef, drinking milk, eating chicken, drinking tap water? There is a reason cows are producing more milk now than they did 20 years ago. Is it from better farming techniques? Or is it because we are using steroids and antibiotics and all sorts of things to cause mass production of milk?
They also end up in the beef, and the milk, and the chicken you eat it and guess what happens. These hormones get in to your system. We’re putting all those hormones in to children too. Girls are getting large breast cups and pubic hair by age six. I was 11. We’re destroying their lifestyle early. It’s happening every where.
What about the water supply. We’re dumping estrogen in the water supply. In lakes male fish are producing eggs. There is no known technology to take estrogen out of the water supply. What about the recycled water back in to your shower heads and water faucets?
The rising surgery in London is breast reduction in men. Also the sperm count in men has been reduced by over 30% in the last ten years.
The problem is a hormonal imbalance. What does it look like? At a meeting awhile back a husband poked his wife and said honey stand up you’re a perfect example.
A doctor will tell you to use a whole panacea of prescriptive drugs. Do any of these drugs heal or cure the body? No! You will be told to take them for the rest of your life. It takes the place of a malfunctioning gland. Our approach is to help the glands to start working again. Is that such a novel approach to health?
Why is this discrepancy? We have left the hunter out of our diet. Hunters gather plants, plant sterols, plant hormones. There gone. Our bodies are desperately crying for support for the glands to function properly. When you support the glands your body responds.
Guess what people! Men have this problem too. They have so many cycles we could call them popcycles. We have issues with our bodies regardless of being male or female. We all need support.
What is this support about? It’s about food. This is all about food. You don’t get that food anymore. They don’t exist on grocery store shelves. You can buy all the calories there but you better find a source of vital nutrition.
Supplements are not optional. They are mandatory today. Find the ones that support your body to achieve your optimal health.
There are two reasons why you will not have vitality or longevity you were meant to have.
1. Ignorance or lack of knowledge. These newsletters or blogs teach and preach you to be proactive and to get away from the Western Medicine approach of treating sickness. You can treat wellness as an option.
2. Complacency. Choice. The choice is totally yours to step up right now for your health with what your body desperately needs. We don’t want to be a statistic.
One stellar performer in my practice in this nutritional ensemble of five is plant sterols a vital nutrient. Numerous people are suffering from fatigue, poor sleep, low libido, low metabolism, mood swings, and etc. sound familiar?
We all know people with these quality of life indicators that usually no medical causes can be found. The solution involves hormones. Our bodies are capable of making a balanced blend of over 80 different hormones daily. If these hormones are adequate and balanced most people feel good.
However, hormones can’t be manufactured out of thin air. They require a nutritional pre-cursor. That pre-cursor is plant sterols. If the dietary intake of plant sterols is too low production or balance hormones will be impaired and then we suffer.
And fortunately if we’re grumpy our family and friends suffer too.
And our diets are woefully deficient in this key nutrient. In fact we eat on average only 5% of what we need. Therefore, the most proactive step to resolve this issue is to take a standardized supplement of plant sterols.
Only then can we balance hormones and reclaim our energy and vitality.
Our job is to help maximize the body’s innate capability by supplying it with the basic nutrients it requires, in the most cost-effective manner possible.
Order this online course now!
'The Common Sense Nutrition Approach to Wellness and a Better Quali... by Dr. Dan Fouts
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Marvin Tschiegg & Marian Tschiegg, RN
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