
1. Choose films early. Some of the best films sell out early.

2. Hang Around the Box Office. You’ll hear other film-goers talk about what films to see. And you might meet film-makers promoting their films.

3. Talk to Strangers. You never know who you might be talking to. Spread the word about which films are and aren’t worth seeing.

4. Even though you may already have tickets, arrive at the theater early. There will be lines.

5. Broaden your horizons. See films you wouldn’t ordinarily choose.

6. See some of the Shorts Packages; they are often fun and interesting. It’s interesting to see how much of a story can be packed into just a few minutes of film.

7. Be sure and attend some of the films followed by Q&A’s. It’s a once in a lifetime chance to watch the film with filmmakers or actors, and then ask them your burning questions afterwards.

8. Go to the “In Conversation” series. It’s like sitting in your living room with the celebrities.

9. If a film you really want to see is sold out, get in the standby line before the film. There’s still a good chance you’ll get in the theater to see it.

10. Sit outside Zoria and people-watch while you have a cocktail or enjoy a delicious bite to eat between films.

11. To get the full festival experience, attend the parties, too. When else will have you the opportunity to party with filmmakers from all around the country?

12. Check www.wqmag.com for the daily inside scoop and festival updates. Read our blogs, see the photos, and watch videos. Write your own reviews.

13. Become a member of the Chick Flick group at www.wqmag.com and enjoy movies with us all year long!

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