
Social Etiquette Tip of the Week - Wait Your Turn!

Why does waiting in line bring out the worst in some people? We spend a great deal of our time waiting in lines: at the bank, at the grocery store, at the post office, at the airport, at red lights, and scores of other places. For such a common daily occurrence, why is it that many people still cannot adhere to some simple courtesies while waiting in line?

"Wait your turn" is something we are all taught as children. It's a simple way of showing consideration for those around you…be patient…you'll get your turn.

Here are some things for us to consider as we go about our daily errands:

Getting in line.
I am always amazed at the airport, where the entry gate is so obvious (it’s that gigantic door with the even more gigantic gate number above it) and so is the line behind it. Why do people insist on forming their own merge lanes?

Give others some space.
This is particularly appropriate in ATM lines, but it’s a universally helpful guideline that should be observed in lines everywhere. You shouldn’t be bumping into the person next to you simply by taking a deep breath!

Have money or credit cards ready.
Don’t be that customer who waits in line for ten minutes only to fumble for these items when it’s finally your turn.

End your cell phone conversation before you get in line.
You may think you can entertain yourself by chatting, but chances are you won’t have a clue what the cashier is asking you. And, just as you aren't interested in someone else's cell phone conversation, they aren't interested in yours either.

If another line opens up, let the customer who was next in line go first.
Don’t contribute to the disorder that a mad dash for the new checkout line causes. You are not next in line...be courteous!

Accept that your business is no more urgent than your neighbor’s.
Many people consider themselves to be in a special hurry when performing the ordinary time consuming chores of life. Let the customer in front of you finish their business…so often people will interrupt a transaction…just remember that any behavior circumventing the natural flow of crowds….sometimes known as ‘first come, first served’ is downright rude.

Remember, two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time, so don't force your way in…just wait your turn!

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Comment by Val Filipski on October 3, 2009 at 2:20pm
I like the second to last tip - about urgency and the last about driving. Have to admit that I sometimes blow up & holler at "that driver". Of course no one but me can hear it. So, what is the point? None. I love that where we live, the car horn is used so infrequently that when it blows, people DO pay attention.
Comment by Sonia Morissette on October 2, 2009 at 5:17pm
I hope the lady who was in front of me at Publix yesterday reads this. She waited until all her groceries were checked to ask for a pack of cigarettes. We all waited for the cigarettes to be delivered. It was a perfect opportunity to practice patience.
Comment by Diane White on October 2, 2009 at 11:24am
Here, here, well said!



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