
Role Reversal
by Satya Winkelman, M.A., C.P. (Author, "Through the Fire")
Sliding wordlessly
Into an exchange of roles,
She drops her little girl off at school;
Assisted Living, they call it.
The lost who can speak
Beg to get out.
And the child-Mother
Silently pleads:
"Don't leave me here".
Driving home through a blinding rain,
The orphaned daughter
Allows the child within
To cry out in grief
Before she remembers:
Mother is still alive.

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Comment by Karen Martin on May 14, 2010 at 6:13pm
Those who are there, or who have been there understand and feel what youw words say. I shared your words on my facebook page.
Comment by Lyn on May 14, 2010 at 4:54pm
Thanks for sharing that. I'm going through the early stages of this disease with my father-in-law. Tough to go through, and my thoughts are with you, but yes, you still have your Mother. I miss mine daily.
Comment by Diana Daffner on May 14, 2010 at 6:49am
What a loving tribute to your mom and a reminder to me to so appreciate my own mother, alive and well at age 88.

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