More Than Annoyed? - Satya Winkelman, M.A., C.P.
ceramic sculpture by Satya Winkelman
Are you an imploder or an exploder? So many of us have been taught to stuff our anger, never make waves, pretend all's fine....but is it?
Underneath the masks of make believe can lie a seething discontent ready to boil up when least expected. This over-reaction causes much pain and confusion .
Journaling can help!
- Make yourself an "anger note book".
- Write in it whenever you are annoyed.
- Let your anger do the writing. Don't censure a thing!
- Don't show it to anyone.
- When finished with each page, rip it out, tear it up.
This expressive exercise quiets your hurt and angry inner child and halts the stockpiling of stifled sensitivities.. You can learn to release your emotions without repressing them into bitter resentments. It is also a rehearsal for gaining self awareness and clarity for what it is you really want.
ART CAN HEAL The next workshop is August 14 - Check out Art Can Heal @
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